Chapter 3. BELLA

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I was already 11:30 PM. Where could Dad be?

Mom was getting real worried. She was pacing back and forth in the living room while hyperventilating.

"Mom, it'll be okay. I'm sure Dad's just trapped in traffic." I said with my hand on her shoulder.

Mom nodded. "Y-You're right; I'll just wait until midnight."

It was 12:30 when Mom decided to call Dad.

He didn't answer. 6 times.

Mom freaked and called the cops. "My husband went to this address and he hasn't come back! He left at noon for some kind of business meeting and he isn't home!"

The cops said they would meet us at the location. Quickly, we all ran into the car and drove off. We decided to not to film this for our channel since it was family business.

When we arrived, the cops were banging on the door. A girl opened it, I think it was Dad's head nurse, Liv...

"Where is Brennan Donnelly, man?" A cop asked.

She shrugged. "Well I wouldn't know, sir. He left here about an hour ago."

"Is there anyone else in this house, ma'am?" Another cop asked.

Liv nodded as this pretty girl with white blond hair walked into view with a navy blue bathrobe on. She seemed familiar...

Mom gasped from behind me. "Elsa?!"

She rolled her eyes. "Luisa. I know you hate me, but at least get the name right."

"You don't deserve for your name to be pronounced right, after what you did to Brennan—"

"Hold up, ma'am," a cop interrupted. "What did she do to him before?"

"It was a silly and stupid story from seventh grade that has nothing to do with this situation. She just tried to take Brennan back—" Mom paused. "You live here, don't you? And Brennan is here, isn't he? You tried to take him back!"

Luisa gasped. "Who, me? I'd never! He's your property, Anna."



"Ma'am, we'd like to search the premises." A cop said.

Luisa motioned them in and we followed.

They cops looked everywhere, including the basement, and found nothing.

"Thank you, ma'am. We'll follow up on this later." The other cop said as Luisa closed the door.

"Officers, I know she has him—"

"Ma'am, there was no evidence of him being there to be found." One of the cops interrupted. "We'll keep searching though. Have a good night."

The cops climbed in their cars and drove away.

Mom started to break down and cry. I've never seen her like this before.

Charlie and I hugged her. "It'll be okay." I said.

"They'll find him, Mom." Charlie reassured her.

Brannie & Family : Sequel to Boyfriend or Brother? [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now