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I walked out of my locker room and heading down to catering to grab a water bottle before my match. I started walking down to the gorilla but then I saw Nikki talking to someone in the hallway, I stopped and listened. "Nikki, me and Paige were a one time thing. I love you, I know I don't deserve it but please I'm begging for another chance. You are the only one that gets me." She shook her head "Seth I don't know.. You really hurt me, I still haven't recovered from the pain you caused me first." He sighed "Nikki I love you.. Take me back, please?" I huffed away in anger, what makes him think he deserves her back? Wait? Why am I even angry? Me and Nikki are just friends, I shouldn't even be mad. But I mean are we just friends? Could we be something more? No, it's clear that her mind is set on giving Rollins a second chance. I walked to the gorilla and waited for my theme song to play. I walked down the ramp and into the ring, I leaned against the ropes and waited for Chris Jericho. His music played and he walked down the ramp and into the ring. The bell rang, my mood right now is not funny. I don't have time for games. I dropped him with a running clothesline, picked him up and whipped him into the corner. I hit him with clothesline after clothesline, he fell to the ground. I picked him up and threw him out of the ring. I got out of the ring and slammed him into the barricade, the ref was counting down, so I picked him up and got him in the ring. I was stepping into the room before he dropkicked me off, Jericho was yelling and taunting the crowd. I ran back inside and waited for him to turn around, I hit him with a superman punch. I set up in the corner, he got up and I hit him with my spear.
1..2..3 The winner of this match... ROMAN REIGNS!!!
I raised my hand in victory before walking out of the ring and heading backstage. I was walking to catering when I felt hands on my back, I turned around and saw Paige. "Hey Roman, can we talk?" I stood hesitant, should I? Hell, if Nikki could take back her cheating ex.. So can I.. I nodded "Yea let's talk."

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