Is it time?

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They all sat there peacefully on their individual seats, talking to each other about life problems and such as the sun was setting outside. The weather had cleared up since everyone arriving and the sun was fading away in the horizon, creating a nice orange colour across the land. The room fell silent after a few moments of laughter and Ringo went to say something.

"I really wish George was here to talk with us you know..." Ringo said with a sad expression creeping across his tired face.

"And John," Said Paul, looking down at the floor and fiddling with his fingers.

"And Keith," said Pete, taking a gulp of his saliva.

"You can't forget Enti," Roger smiled weakly at all of them as tears began to well up in his eyes. They all sat there quietly when there was a loud crackling noise coming from outside. They all turned to face out the window to see what was making all the noise.

"What the heck is that?" Asked Ringo standing up to get a better view of the strange orb that was appearing outside.

"I'm not sure..." Roger stood up slowly, walking out of the room with the other three following shortly behind him. They walked out the back door and into the garden where the orb was extending further and was continuesly growing. It was this white hole in the air with a bluey/purpley outline about the same height as Pete...just placed there.

"Guys...I don't think we should be out here," Said Paul backing off slightly.

"What is it?" Pete said out loud.

"I have no idea...I kinda wanna...go through it," Roger held his hand out to put through the strange vision before him.

Pete grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"What are you doing?! We have no idea what this thing is, it could hurt you!" Pete looked at it as he held Rogers arms against him, stopping him from touching it.

"Like I said guys...I don't think we should be here." Paul took hold of Ringo 's forearm and pulled him back slightly to keep him away.

"Come on guys...this could really be something that we need. This could be an amazing adventure! We don't know what lies behind this, what it is, where it goes," Roger looked at all of them with a hopeful expression, "this could be our moment...I don't know why but I feel like we're meant to go through's something big. We're all old guys, it doesn't matter if it turns out bad. We probably haven't got long left anyway." Roger laughed as if it would help the mood.

"What about our families?" Asked Paul.

Roger shrugged and looked into his eyes, "They will be fine Paul. If you don't want to do this then that's fine,"

"What if we die?" Pete wondered.

"Then we die."

"I think Rogers right guys. Face it. We haven't got much. We may as well," Ringo nodded.

"Your right...I'll do it," said Pete starring into the hole in the middle of the Garden.

Ringo and Paul looked at each other then back at Pete and Roger. They nodded their heads and moved next to them, ready to walk through the weird portal. Roger took in a deep breath, braced himself and then walked forward through the hole, disappearing into thin air. Pete followed, then Ringo, then Paul.

There were lights flashing, screaming, laughter, crying, moaning, shouting, cheering, singing...all these noises happening at once. It felt like their bodies were being pulled yet, squished, scratched yet, stroked. What was going on? They were so dizzy and their heads felt like they were being shaken rapidly. They felt young again, filled with energy. What is this?

There was a voice.

"Roger...Pete?" It was so quiet...but it was gradually getting louder. A light appeared and they went straight through it, hearing the voice as clear as anything.

"Roger get up! Pete come on!" Roger opened his eyes and immediately closed them again, squinting at the light coming through the curtains. It was too bright. Where was he? Who was saying his name? He suddenly felt something hit him, shooting up and looked down, seeing a cushion against his stomach. He looked up, wondering who had hit him with the cuchion. Roger studied the man for a moment, looking him up and can't be?


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