A few weeks time

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"Right here's the plan" Daisy looked from face to face.

They were coming up with a plan for saving Keith. They couldn't have him die...not again. It was September 5th and it was only 2 days until his death.

Daisy turned to Paul and looked him. "Paul...your going to invite him like you did all those years ago okay. Your going to invite him to that party, me and him will join you etc. It'll hopefully be just the same but with me there instead of Annette," Daisy continued talking. "Now...that night he CAN NOT come home with me. Under no circumstances is he coming back with me!" Daisy looked at all of them with a serious look.

"This is where you come in Ringo" Rachel smiled.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked in an almost desperate way.

"He needs to stay with you alright? We can say that we forgot his pills. I will be joining you"


"We make sure he doesn't overdose okay. If he does I would not be able to live with myself. If he lives...we still keep a look out. Just because we dodged that death doesn't mean it won't happen later on"

"What about us?" Asked Roger and Pete.

"Ah...You two come in the morning" Rachel nodded.

"Why?" Pete looked so confused.

"Because then you two can take him out for the day, take everything off his mind with whatever he might be feeling"

"Alright" Roger smiled.

"What about John?" Paul wondered.

"What about John?"

"Well...what if he intrudes ya know? If he somehow messes it up?"

"Hopefully he won't but...we will have to go with the flow...take it as it comes." Daisy panicked slightly at the thought of it going wrong.

"Okay. We've got this guys" Roger smiled.

"Yeah" Ringo clapped his hands together and laughed slightly.

"Paul...ya ready? I'll be with you."

"Yeah sure. We will see you guys later" Paul walked out of the room with Daisy and down the corridor.  They had met up at a secret place where no one would find them. Daisy told Keith that she was going out to collect some money and that she would be back soon. Hopefully Keith wouldn't get jealous that she has come back with Paul. But that was a risk she was more then willing to take. As long as in the end he got to live.

"Hop in" Paul smiled, sitting in the drivers seat of his old and much loved car. You got in the passenger seat and sat there as he started up the car and drove off.

"Can you remember how you invited him the first time?"

"Not really, like you said,  go with the flow"

It was a couple of minutes but they both soon arrived at Daisy and Keith's apartment.  Daisy went upto the door and unlocked it, walking inside with Paul.

"Keith?" Daisy called out into the empty house.

"I'm in the bedroom!"  Daisy and Paul smiled at each other as soon as they heard his sweet voice.

"Paul's here!" She called up the stairs. There were noises when a figure appeared at the top of the stairs in a dark, navy blue dressing gown.

"Hello Paul!" Keith quickly stepped down the stairs and reached the bottom, reaching out his arms. Paul smiled and studied him for a quick second, looking into his big, brown, puppy eyes and the dimples in his cheeks. Paul took hold of Keith into a warm embrace. That was the first time he had properly hugged Keith in 38 years. It felt amazing. Paul still thought it was like some strange virtual reality or dream...as if he was going to wake up at any moment and be hit with the horror that non of this was real...but right now he had Keith in his arms.

"How have you been dear boy?" Keith let Paul go and traded a warm hearted smile.

"I've been great Keith, and you?" Keith led Paul into the living room.

"Oh I've been splendid thanks. Would you liked a drink?" He politely asked, sitting Paul down on a chair.

"Oh no I'm alright thanks. I only popped by to ask if you would like to come to the Buddy Holly story party I'm throwing"

Keith immediately looked happy.

"I would love to, when is it?"

"It's tomorrow. I know it's short notice but you must come. It would be great for you to be there."

"Yes that sounds wonderful. Don't you  think Daisy?" She walked across the room to Keith and wrapped her arms around his waist as he placed his arm around her shoulders, pecking her on the temple.

"I think it sounds great" she kissed his cheek back.

"Well I shall see you both there" Paul smiled and got up to leave.

"Well I shall see you tomorrow" Keith followed him to the door and opened it for him with a cheeky grin slapped onto his face.

"You to Keith" Paul left through the door as Keith closed it behind him.


Paul got back to the secret location where Roger, Pete, Ringo and Rachel were all waiting.

"How did it go?" Roger asked as soon as he walked through the door.

"He's coming" they all sighed in relief.

"Thank god." Ringo's eyes watered up slightly.

"Hey Ringo don't get all emotional pal" Pete went over to him, giving him a hug.

"I'm fine I'm just glad that were going to save him. He means so much to us all, same as John, George and Enti. This is amazing that we are able to do this."

"This is going to work guys. Non of us are letting it go wrong...no matter what happens"



The next few episodes are going to be eventful, tense and dramatic. I love Keith a lot so these next few episodes will mean a lot to me. Hope you guys are liking it so far.

- Daisy  xx

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