Chapter Three ~ Niall

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I woke up the next morning in the bed still. I was on the opposite side of the bed as Zayn and his back was facing me.

I hated the fact that I was cold so I moved the quietest I could, being careful not to wake Zayn. Just before I managed to get against his back he stirred, rolling over to face me.

He stayed asleep and I smiled, this was going to work perfectly. I dipped my body back under the covers and cuddled against Zayn's body, curling myself up like I always did.

I heard his heart speed up and his head raise. I kept my eyes shut and when I felt his arm wrap around me I whined, snuggling my head into the comfort of his chest. He lay back down and I felt a pair of rough lips touch my forehead.

I could feel his gaze on me. It was strange because for some reason, I liked it. I knew he couldn't see my face so I lifted my body up a little, giving him more to see.

"So beautiful" Zayn murmured, his fingers brushed my cheek

I began to smile and before I knew it I was giggling. When my eyes opened I noticed Zayn was red in the face, his eyes looking elsewhere

"What was that about?" I taunted him "so beautiful? Are you gay?"

Zayn's look of embarrassment flicked to anger and he got out of the bed, leaving me cold and without the extra body

I didn't want Zayn to go... I didn't mean to hurt him either. I got up and went to look for him, not that there was that much space to search.

He was sitting on the couch with his body Angled right down it, his feet up and knees bent.

I rubbed my face against the side of his, purring for forgiveness

"Stop it" Zayn said annoyed

I smiled at his attitude, he didn't suit it... It was more adorable than anything else.

I purred louder, making my nuzzling slower and a little more intimate

"Niall I mean it" Zayn tried to push my head away

I tried once more, my lips pressing the side of his neck a few times before my teeth grazed it... Then I remembered. I let my tongue run up him and he let out an odd noise that gave me a fright

I jumped away from him and held my hands to my chest, scared that the noise was a threat

"Am I gay?!" Zayn stood up infuriated "who just tried to seduce me?"

"S-sed-Duce?" I asked with a trembling voice. I knew that noise wasn't good

"Kissing my neck?" Zayn ranted "biting it? And licking it? Am I gay? Well that's rich, coming from you"

"I-I was apologising" I mewed

"By licking me?"

"It was a kiss" I murmured "like the one you gave me"

Zayn groaned, running his hands through his messy hair

"Alright" he gave in "you're off the hook"

I didn't budge, I didn't trust him.

"Why do you care if I'm gay anyway?" Zayn asked "it's not that big a deal"

"I know I just... I was curious" I explained

"Well I am and if there's something wrong with that you've got to get over it because it's called-"

"Equality" I cut him off "I know that already, I learnt it a while ago"

"Alright" Zayn said "but in the future if you're awake keep your eyes open because I do not ever want to replay the morning"

"Because you called me beautiful?"

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