Chapter Seven ~ Zayn

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"Mmph" I groaned as something pushed me

"Zaynie" someone hissed "are you awake?"

I rolled over, falling heavier to sleep again

"Baby" the person whined "can you hear me?"

I could hear them yes. It didn't mean I would answer though, did it?

"Are you awake?" Niall spoke

"Am now" I opened my eyes slowly

I squinted to find Niall but I couldn't see his shadow... Not for a little while anyway

"Good morning!" Niall squealed, plopping down over the top of me

"Get off me" I glared

Niall's smile faltered and he got off me, whimpering as he climbed off the bed. I sat up and watched him draw his hands into his chest


"I'm sorry" Niall sniveled "I was trying to be nice and-"

"I know but... I was sleeping Ni" I wove my fingers through my messy hair "you should have just left me"

"I thought you'd be happy to see me" Niall turned to look at me

"Come here Niall" I pet a spot on the bed

Niall hesitated at first but he then made his way over to the bed. I pulled in my legs, folding them underneath the covers. Niall sat in front of me, folding his own and putting his hands on his legs

"Of course I'm happy to see you" I whispered, picking up his hands with my own

"You were angry at me though" Niall mumbled

"I'm such a horrid person when I've just woken up" I sighed, winding my fingers with Niall's "I'm so sorry"

"You made me think you hated me" Niall rasped

"No, no" I shook my head "I could never hate you Niall... Never"

"What about yesterday?"

"Forget about yesterday" I smiled "today is a new day"

"And it had a horrible start"

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked


"Make yourself some bacon then" I told him "I'll come get some after I'm properly awake"

"Okay" Niall whispered, starting to shift

"I love you... you little shit" I smiled, holding him in a headlock and kissing his temple

Niall struggled in my grip, pouting but then smiling when my lips pressed to his temple a second time

"Go eat now" I let him go

Niall got up and exited the room whilst I got up and had a quick shower. When I finished I left only my boxers on... Niall was no biggie, he was basically a child to me.

I left my hair messy but I did brush my teeth to stop the terrible smell of my breath. I went to walk round the corner to the kitchen but I bumped into Niall. The plate in his hand hit my chest and fell to the floor, smashing over the cooked bacon

"Your food" Niall whimpered

"It's fine" I looked down at the mess "I can make more"

Niall looked up at me and his eyes moved to a piece of bacon on my shoulder... Then one still stuck on my chest. Niall licked his lips and my eyes widened when I realized why. I pulled off the bacon and put it onto the floor.

I was suddenly attacked by Niall's mouth, his tongue massaging where the bacon once lay. I yelped when he bit down but his lips moved lower till he reached my chest, licking all then bacon fat off my skin

"Mmmm Zaynie" Niall hummed

His tongue wet my entire body, his saliva making me sticky. I let out a soft moan when his pecked between my fingers. His tongue scooped over the tops of each one too, removing anything and everything that tasted of bacon.

"Stop" I moaned

Niall drew my finger out his mouth and licked the back of my hand once more before drawing away

"I just... I just washed" I sighed

"Oh well" Niall responded

I crouch down, trying to cover my boner with my upper body as I picked up the mess. Niall soon bobbed down too, his eyes falling to my lap more than once

The third time he looked at my hardened member I did something about it


His eyes travelled up to my face, a small and adorable smile covering his lips "yes?"

"That's not for you baby" I whispered


"The boner"

"Oh" Niall blush, dropping his head to the floor pretty quick "I-I know"


"No I get it" Niall walked back to the kitchen "you don't like me that way"

"I do" I disagreed

"But you won't let either of us do something about the obvious relationship we're both longing to have with each other?" Niall seemed a little annoyed

"You heard what Dr Tomlinson said-"

"I don't care what Dr Tomlinson said!" Niall shouted

I flinched, fear whizzing through my blood stream

"I don't care what Dr Tomlinson says" Niall whimpered "I want us to do things... Things that other gay couples do"


"I want to be able to hold your hand" Niall whispered with a smile "and kiss you. I want to call you baby and Zaynie so that everybody knows"

"Knows what?"

"That you're mine"

"But I'm not yours" I took my hand away from his and hugged it tight

"I want you to be..." Niall said sadly "then we can be together and happy"

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