First Fan

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"Did you see the way she looked at me?" Baby's face glowed as she talked to her robot buddies. "She totally liked me!"

Ballora smiled, gently placing a hand on her friend's shoulder, "I'm sure she does, Baby." The ballerina told her. Taylor playfully huffed placing a hand on his chest in dramatic ethic, "Honey, I'm jealous!" The fox chipped in, his eyes softening with happiness.  

"I wish I had a fan like that." Bailey shyly told her. Baby squared up a giant smile, "I can't wait to see her again tomorrow." Her eyes seemed to sparkle, and the others couldn't help but he happy for her too.  


Roughly a week began to pass, and Kira didn't come back. Baby felt her hope sink whenever the doors were closed and she hadn't seen the little brunette all day.  So she waited, her friends trying their best to comfort her, but the redhead simply brushed them away whenever they tried to help.  

After many long days and nights passed, Kira finally returned.

It was a Tuesday, and Baby was slouching, in an unhappy state as she watched the employees hold the door open for other guests, sharing smiles and small talk.  Every day her singing seemed to get more and more plain as she got tired of waiting.  It was as though she was on autopilot most of the time when she performed, not caring about the outcome.  

Suddenly, Baby felt a gentle tap on her shoulder, snapping her back to reality.  The redhead turned, gazing at the ballerina with a longing glare until Ballora just smiled, softly pointing ahead of her.  Baby turned her head towards where the taller female was pointing before she felt her blood pressure shoot out of the roof.  A smile slowly creeped on her lips as she saw Kira walking towards the stage with a grin on her face.   Baby bent down on one knee as the little girl got closer, their emerald green eyes locking into each others as Kira began to speak, "I'm sorry it's been so long since you saw me," Kira began softly, "my mom said I couldn't come as much as I want to." Kira told Baby.  The clown's eyes softened as the brunette continued, "She says I have to go to school, but I just want to be here with you!" Baby reached forward, gently ruffling the brunette's hair, "It's alright, kiddo," Baby murmured, "I just really missed you." Kira gently smiled, "I missed you too." The girl replied.

After Baby performed her parts, and they were announced that the animatronics were to take their twenty minute cool-down, the clown immediately got off of the stage and joined her newest companion. The girl somehow managing to pick up conversation with the robot, their smiles not leaving their faces as they spoke to each other- a strong connection obvious between the two. Sure, all the animatronics had fans, but this girl was something special. There was something about her that made Baby's circuits spark, causing something that she hadn't ever felt before...


But that all ended too soon when a hand was gently placed on the little brunette's shoulder- causing both of their grins to falter. There was a woman, she wore a business suit and had straight ironed her hair to match a formal look as she had her hand firmly placed on Kira's shoulder.  The woman quickly checked her watch, "Honey, it's time to leave." she told her. Kira looked up at the woman, "but Mommy! I haven't seen Baby in such a long time!" Baby's gaze switched between the brunette and her mother as the little girl protested. "Sweetie, Mommy has a business meeting in an hour. I can't just leave you here and-"

"Yes you can! Baby can look after me-" The brunette gestured towards the robot sitting across from her at their table before being cut off.  "No. We're leaving." The mother snapped, reaching for Kira's hand and held it in a tight grip. The mother began to tug at the girl's hand, and Kira got out of her seat.  "Bye, Baby..." Kira murmured quietly.  Baby gently waved as a reply, her face showing despair as the brunette was dragged farther and farther away.  The woman gave her daughter a scolding glance and the brunette followed gloomily after her mother.

"Plus that robot gives me the creeps..." The woman mumbled under her breath, "you really should stay away from that... thing." Baby's eyes narrowed as she had caught what the woman had said.


A few long hours had passed after Kira had left, and the doors finally closed, and Baby was sitting at the edge of the stage, where she usually perched herself.  This time though, she was staring at the table where her and Kira had sat hours before, her mind dazing off as she thought, seeing her and the little brunette happily sharing conversation.    

Baby heard a small heave as Ballora sat next to her. "Long day, huh?" Ballora asked gently. Baby shook her head giving a tiny scoff, "I wish it lasted longer while she was here." She muttered in a dark tone. 

Ballora's smile vanished, "W-well..." The ballerina stuttered, "She'll come back again someday." Baby gave a disapproving huff, "Yeah, and that 'someday' is many, many days from now." She mumbled under her breath. Ballora silently sighed, unsure how to reply to the clown's bitter reply.

Bailey smiled as Taylor had complimented him about his last performance, "Aw, thanks, Taylor," the bear murmured, "but I think Bonnie did the best." Bailey gestured towards the bunny puppet, "I second that!" The puppet exclaimed.  Taylor giggled, causing Bailey to blush with embarrassment. "You're too cute, teddy bear." Taylor teased. Bailey waved him off quickly, his face beginning to burn, "I-I told you about that nickname," Bailey stuttered, "It's h-humilating!" Taylor grabbed onto the bear's bowtie, tugging him in closer, "But you are adorable." Taylor mumbled. Bailey pushed him away, his face completely red and Taylor couldn't help but give another small chuckle at his chubby companion's behavior.

The rest of the night was fairly peaceful, Baby sat alone, she had said she only wanted her thoughts to be her company- while Ballora, Bailey, and Taylor all chattered until their servos got tired.

Sure enough, the next day-

Kira did not show up.

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