Friendship is Depression's Worst Enemy

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It was Wednesday afternoon, Kira arriving the day before- and Baby stood, completely silent as the doors closed for the day. She clenched her microphone, feeling her spirits break, and all her companions gave each other awkward glances, unsure exactly how to comfort their companion. Ballora glared at Taylor, and gestured her head towards Baby. 

The ballerina had tried multiple, upon multiple times to cheer Baby up, but it was becoming useless. Taylor's eyes widened for a moment, shifting his gaze left and right, and pointed a finger at himself.  The pink fox silently mouthed, "me?" in which the ballerina gave him a firm nod as a response. Taylor's tail twitched in nervousness, and after a few moments he finally stepped forward to attempt to keep his clown companion's spirits up.

"Baby?" Taylor's voice quivered, as he was fearful he would break his poor friend to bits. Baby slowly turned her head, he noticed her mouth was curved into a broken smile, "What?" She spoke through clenched teeth.

Taylor jumped at the bitterness of her tone, "Are you... okay?" Taylor asked. Baby's smile dropped, realizing she had snapped at him, and the clown turned her head away, lowering her gaze, "Never been better..." She mumbled.  Baby slowly bent down, placing her palms on the stage and sat down at the edge of the stretch as she always did, her hands ringed together and neatly placed on her lap.

Taylor walked closer, "You're obviously not fine, hun," the fox pointed out, "do you want to talk about it?" Taylor uneasily suggested.  The redhead mustered a silent sigh and looked up at Taylor with a unhappy look in her eyes before turning her head away once again.  There was no reply from the clown for a long while until she gently placed her microphone down next to her, playing with the hem of her dress.  "Well..." Baby began, her voice choppy and hurt, "it's just that I really care about that girl and she rarely even comes." Baby murmured, "I don't think I've ever felt happier to tell you the truth." Baby sighed, blinking away the few tears that welled in her eyes, "oh, but who am I kidding, she's probably never coming back at this rate." 

Taylor stood still for a few long moments before sitting down next to his leader, "It sure seems like she cares about you, Baby." Taylor told her gently, gazing out at the tables as she did.  "I'm sure if she could she would come here everyday!" Taylor said, giving her a big smile of comfort. Baby gave the fox a small chuckle, "Maybe." Her smile quickly faded, her pigtails drooping, "but at the same time, even if that is true, her mother is disgusted by me."

"Oh honey, I'm sure she's just fine with..." Taylor's voice trailed for a few moments as he thought, "actually, I did see that way she looked at you the last time Kira visited..."  Taylor looked at Baby with a sympathetic glare. Baby turned her head away from the pink fox a bit- Taylor noticing this immediately, "B-but I'm sure she isn't disgusted by you!" Taylor quickly corrected himself. Baby focused her eyes on the certain table, "No, I heard her," Her eyes narrowed, "I guess I'm more worried that her mother won't allow her here anymore because I give her the 'creeps'..." Baby sighed, placing her face in the cups of her hands, "maybe we're just not meant to be." she murmured in a lower tone. 

Taylor gave her a hopeful look, "Don't say that! You're totally meant to be." Baby moved her gaze towards him, "How so?" Taylor's face became hot, trying to quickly think of something, "Er, you both seem really happy when you're around each other," Taylor's tail thumped on the stage, "and she missed you, didn't she?" Taylor noticed a smile forming on his companion's lips, "Yeah." Baby answered. Taylor smiled, "See? And I'm sure she's thinking about you right now." He told her. Baby sniffed back hopeful tears, "You think so?" Taylor wrapped his arm around her, "I know so." The fox comforted gently. Ballora joined the two, sitting on the other side of Baby and placed an arm over her shoulder. 

Bailey shyly walked up to the three of them, standing awkwardly as he looked around for more room to squeeze in. "Guess there's no room for us." his puppet mouthed.  Bailey's face burned a bit, realizing that the puppet had acknowledged the lack of room.  Ballora glanced behind her for a moment before scooting over a few feet and patted in between her and Baby. The bear's eyes lit up and he was quick to sit in the middle of the two. Baby sniffed again, "Thanks, guys..." Baby glanced at all of them, "I love you all." she added softly. Taylor's tail thumped on the stage again, "We love you too." Taylor murmured, holding Baby closer to him.

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