A Bad End to a Bad Day

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My body lurched up as I took a painful breath in. My feet were cold and my face was scorching hot. I could feel beads of sweat falling down my face. I couldn't move other than the large lurch, but I could tell that I was laying down on something flat and hard with something soft underneath my head.

I didn't say anything. I couldn't. My mind was awake, but my body wasn't.

"Meep? Meep, can you hear me?" I heard someone say. Hona was suddenly leaning over me with a flashlight in her hand. She shined it in my eyes. "Meep, come on, wake up!" I coughed. "That's it, that's it. Feather, get a wet towel!"

"On it!" I heard Feather reply.

"Meep, come on, you're almost there." Hona said. "Crimson, get her some more juice."

"Got it." Crimson said. I heard her get up from her chair and walk into the kitchen. Feather returned with a wet towel in her hand. She placed it on my forehead where my face was the hottest.

I still couldn't respond. I could only see in a tube of light above me, my peripheral vision not restored yet. My hearing was muffled and minimal. 

I heard Crimson come back and put something next to me. Suddenly I felt a liquid of some sort enter my blood through a needle in my arm.

"You're going to be okay." Hona said. As my vision slowly recovered, I realized that it wasn't light out anymore, but it was pure darkness outside.

I jumped up, coughing. My entire body was shaking and I couldn't stop it.

"Crimson, cut the juice!" Hona yelled, grabbing my shoulders. I felt something being pulled out of my arm and a bag being ruffled. "I think we gave you too much. Feather, ice packs." 

I felt the coolness being removed from my feet as Hona picked me up like a bride, underneath my head and my knees, my body still shaking.

"Crimson, get the door, she's going on the couch!" Hona yelled. Crimson scrambled to the living room door and pushed it open, Hona carrying me through and going around chairs. She carefully set me down on the couch, my head propped up on the end with five pillows. My body wouldn't stop shaking. I felt like I was having a seizure. Again.

"Meep, I know you can hear me, but you can't tell me." Hona said. "You are in shock. The second we tried to do the spell your body tensed up and you passed out. Your father protected every bit of this curse, and you went into Neurogenic shock, caused by trying to enter your brain through the hypnotism."

"Oh my gosh, is she going to be okay?" Feather asked. Hona looked over at her with a stern look, my body still shaking. Hona looked back at me.

"You're going to be fine in an hour. We just gave you a little too much energy chem." She said.

"We'll be right here, all night if we have to." Crimson assured.

"I'll give you your powers back once the chem calms down, I don't want to risk any more damage." Hona added.

"Damage?!" Feather yelled. "Is she going to die?"

"Feather! Go in the kitchen and start dinner! I'll be right there." Hona yelled. Feather straightened her back and did what she was told. I looked over at Hona. She winked. "Crimson, why don't you go get Meep some more blankets? She needs to warm up."

"Got it." She replied, going into the kitchen as well. Hona looked back at my shaking body and smiled.

"You know I had to before I could give up your power, you understand." Hona laughed.

She had hypnotized them too.


After an excruciating hour of body-lurching shakyness, my body had finally calmed down and was now flinching occasionally. I calmed down long enough to hold a glass of water and drink from it.

Crimson, Hona and Feather and I were all watching a movie, though I still hadn't recovered fully. My jaw was almost locked shut and my hearing was still a little fuzzy, but other than that and flinching I was pretty much fine.

I rubbed the scab where Crimson's needle went into my arm to inject the energy chemicals into my body. Hona scooted closer to me.

"Feeling better?" She whispered. I nodded. "Good. I'm sorry for doing this to you. It's probably not the best end to the day."

I touched her arm and did a silent spell that took me almost a week to learn.

At least I'll get my 8 hours of sleep in. I thought. I knew that Hona heard me through my touch on her arm. I still couldn't speak, but this was the best alternative. She laughed and returned to watching the movie.

I couldn't pay attention. I kept thinking about the dream I had when I had passed out into shock. There were so many elements.

My friends wanted me to be bad with them.

My parents wanted me to be good like them.

Blood over BFFs? Or was it the other way around?

How could I decide something of this importance? And what did my father mean by "it's time to choose?" Was there a certain time to choose destiny? Or did your destiny choose you? How was I supposed to know what to choose?

I could barely choose over which pair of heels I wanted to wear in the morning. I could barely choose over what I wanted for breakfast most of the time. How was I supposed to choose my life in two more days? My father was to come home in two days, I had to make my decision by then, right?


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