The Down Sides of the Up Side

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The weekend went by like a breeze. I hardly found myself without a smile on my face. I never knew how cool it was to have someone by your side everyday. Well, I guess I did know how cool it was, since Hona, Feather, and Crimson all stuck to me like glue. But I never knew what it felt like with a guy.

Sadly, the weekend breezed by too fast. The next thing I know, it's Monday again. My alarm went off and I jumped up, my hair flying into my face. I huffed an exhausted breath and put my hand on my forehead, resting it on my thigh. I let the alarm run a little while longer, before I finally got tired of it and slammed the top of the alarm so it shut off. 

I covered my eyes from the blinding light from my window, and set my elbows on my knees.

My phone buzzed on my nightstand. I reached over and picked it up. I smiled when I saw who it was.

Don't worry, be Happy! Don't let anything get you down today.

It was Jace. My smile grew wider and I swung my legs over the side of my bed.


About an hour and a half later, I was on my motorcycle, riding to school with my carrier's bag around my shoulder and a helmet on my straightened hair. I pulled into the school parking lot and parked in my spot. Jace was standing in the grass next to my parking spot.

"Nice ride, Hot Shot." Jace laughed as I flipped my hair out of my face when I took off the helmet.

"Why thank you, Cool Bro." I laughed back and threw myself off of the bike. I hopped over the curb and pecked Jace on the cheek. "Let's go."

"Alright." Jace shouted. I laughed and took his hand, pulling him to the school. 

I was still laughing when I bumped into someone behind me. 

"Oh, sorry!" I giggled, looking over my shoulder. I took a double take.

Hona was standing with her arms crossed, with Feather and Crimson behind her. I turned around fully so I was standing next to Jace.

"Hey." I said casually even though I was nervous about what would happen.

"Hey." Hona huffed.

I walked Jace and I past them without another word, but apparently Hona had other plans.

"Hey, Mephistopheles!" Crimson called. I winced and stopped. "Don't have too much fun with your new boyfriend today. It could ruin your reputation."

There it was. The first bombshell. I knew it had to come at some point.

My face turned red as I continued walking with Jace in tow. I swear I pulled him through half the school before he stopped me.

"Okay, two things." He said, turning me to look at him.

"What's up, babe?" I said bouncily so I could sound like it didn't bother me that Crimson commented. It did.

"What did I text you today?" Jace asked. When I didn't reply, he answered for me. "Don't let them get to you. They're just as mixed up as you and I were on this. They're probably not used to seeing you with a guy.

"Well, you are my first boyfriend." I admitted. "But still, I knew they would do this. I made them promise to keep me evil, but I guess they didn't do such a good job."

"No, they didn't. And I'm glad they didn't." Jace said, but before I could give him my best evil stare, he continued talking. "Meep, if they hadn't, I wouldn't have known you as much as I do. Imagine what would happen if you blew me off the day we met."

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