~PROLOUGE+1'st Chapter~

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You were a special,or i should say,more rare kind of Pikachu.You name yourself usually Lux,as in Bright.As you dont have a name.
Your fur was a nice brown,and you were pretty much like a normal Pikachu,just with much more powerful attacks.

[Here's a pic of how you look]

[I know its little but dont kill meeee XD]

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[I know its little but dont kill meeee XD]

Usually,trainers would avoid you,or try catching you.Which angered you.None of them showed you any compasion,or atleast some kindness.All they wanted you for was to win the Pokemon League.This made you Hate them.(this in the early series,where Misty and Brock are still with Ash.[Or some shit mixed up idfk])Everytime a Trainer would be after you,you sneakly made up traps,and or electrocuted them.But there was this one trainer that never gave up...

His name was Ash Ketchum.[KETCHUP XDD]

He usually used his Pikachu,or his Bulbasaur,or his Squirtle.Even his Charmander.[In this,i hope you'll make Charmander go the right way,and not be the total asshole he was after he evolved.]

You always managed to make Bulba,Squirtle and Charmander faint,but his Pikachu was one though cookie.

~Somewhere in a Forest~

You'd yawn,sitting beside a tree.You were drawing with a stick in the dusty dirt below.You hum something,while drawing cute faces.(Yes,you can talk.And of course,as you're a pokemon,you can understand other pokemon.)You didn't notice,but a Geodude was floating slowly behind the tree you were,ready to beat you up.You'd swish your tail from side to side,humming cutely.Suddenly,the Geodude grabbed your tail tightly,and started to smash you into the ground like you're some kind of toy.You'd resist,but the smashes were still loud.It seems that the trainer,Ash Ketchum,was again looking for you.Brock and Misty,as you learned their names by sneaking around,were with him.Ash got his Squirtle out,and Misty her Staryu.The two trainers exclaimed in unison:"Use Water Gun!"Both Water Pokemon did as comanded.They shot water at Geodude,some getting on you aswell.But Geodude stood strong.That's when you got an idea.You puffed you cheeks,and used a powerful shock,the water helping.

Geodude dropped you,and you climbed up the tree you were sitting beside some time before.Geodude fled,and you kept your position in the tree.Ash came closer,his Pikachu at his side."Hey,come down!" Ash exclaimed."I saved you,now let me capture you!"You'd make a dissaproval noise. "You know he wont give up until he captured you,right?" Pikachu said. "Whatever...I guess i'll be his pokemon,with one condition.Dont put me in a Pokeball." You talked in your normal language,the pokemon one.Pikachu kind of gestured to Ash,and he somehow understood."Oh..He dosen't want to be locked in a pokeball?"Pikachu nodded. "Well...i guess i wouldn't mind,at least,two pokemon not being in their pokeballs."Ash nodded. "Alright,i wont put you in a pokeball."You'd sigh,and slowly climb down.Your tail was a little squished,and you were with some bruises.You slowly walked to Ash.He took out from his backpack a MegaPotion,and sprayed you.You now were all healed up.Pikachu puffed his cheeks,being a little jealous.You were kind of dense,so you didn't notice.

You'd then grin.You'd jump over Ash,Brock,Misty and Pikachu,while doing a nice move.You'd twirl,going over them while being upside down and twirling.You'd land behind them on your feet,and zoom off."HA!GET JUKED!" You yelled in both Pokemon and Human language.


Dis iz it bruthas

I'll be doing kind of short-ish chapters for this series.

See ya in the next chapter.

Lotsa Love,Arkas~<3

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