2016 so far:
Girl: *Sneezes*
Boy: "God bless you."
Atheist: "God doesn't exist."
Christian: "Excuse you. I'm a Calvanist."
Guy in the back: "I'm vegan!"
Girl in the front: "Where do you get your protein?!"
Old guy: "Back in my day, we didn't have protein."
Young guy: "Your generation is the reason our country is failing."
Old guy: "Excuse you sir!"
Young guy: "Did you just assume my gender?!"
College student: "It's the education system that's failing!"
Teacher: "Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell."
Woman kicks down door: "Did someone say feminism?!"
That random guy: "While you're all arguing about your petty existences, the world is falling into chaos you ignorant swine!"
Troll: "Is that why your only action is posting it on facebook?"
Trump: "I will build a wall!"
Hilary: "That won't work!"
Trump: "I emailed you the blueprints."
*Le me sipping from my drink*: "But that's none of my business."