Chapter Two - Blogger

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"Honey, I'm home!" I shouted as I closed the door behind me.

"Mommy! Lucy told me how to make paper airplanes so we had a big battle!" Ashley yelled, leading me into our living room. And there I saw tired Lucy in the middle of millions paper airplanes.

"I did something terrible, you see" she smiled as she came closer to hug me.

   Lucy is my best-friend since kindergarten. When we were sixteen years old, we had this huge fight and we didn't talk until shortly before my daughter was born. Now we are best-friends again, even tho I can't stand her sometimes. But I appreciate her a lot. I couldn't work without her. She works morning shifts, so she can pick up Ashley from kindergarten and take her home and she takes care of her until I arrive. I try to pay her for it every time, but she refuses. She doesn't realize how much she helps me. I couldn't work without her, so me and Ashley would have much worse life than now.

"Can I go now? Or do you need something? I think Alan needs me home" she asked me.

"Ashley, please. Go to your bed now, please, mommy will be there for you in minute." I knew it was  late, but Ashley can't fall asleep without me. You might find it cute, but for me it's annoying, because when I arrive home, I want to have at least little bit of time for myself.

"Thank you so much for today, sweetie. It has been horrible in work today. You won't believe what Will created this time!" I smiled "He wants to send me to the Great Forest. And you know what? He finds it great!"

"Awww, how cute! Having honeymoon in the Great Forest sounds like an extraordinary amazing adventure! You will love it!" She tried to be funny. Of course, she knows everything about Will. And maybe, she knows much more, they studied together at high school.

"I just wanted to say that I love you, but I changed my mind" I said, laughing. "If you have to go, you can. But you can stay, if you want to" I hugged her and she gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"The Great Forest thing sounds like a great adventure actually. Are you sure? But who would take care of Ashley?" She wanted to know.

"I have no idea, nobody, because I won't leave" I insisted.

"But, there is her cute and awesome babysitter Lucy who can have her at home in guest room and take care of her with her fiancée and they will be happy together and live happily ever after..."

"... While I'm dying in the Great Forest. Amazing fairytale. Better than Beauty and the Beast." I was pretty ironic while she talked so fast that I couldn't almost understand what she's saying.

"Beauty and the Beast! It's almost like you and Will. You are the beautiful princess and he's, ehm, the beast! Ugly, but in love with you! And rich, too. Anyways, I have to go or you'll kill me. Love you, sweetie!" She closed the door before I could answer her.

   I picked up my keys and carefully locked the door. I took a few steps into the room of Ashley. She has it written on her door. I looked at her. She looked so calm. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing slowly. I sat down and I was watching her for a while, until I realized that I still have some work to do.

   I took my laptop and went to Google, where I searched for "the Great Forest mysteries". I found some witnesses of people, who  went there. I want to meet some of them. I want to talk with them. I actually find this Great Forest Action amusing. I always loved these mysteries, but never ever I wanted to live them. Maybe this time, it will be different.

   I clicked on a link to blog. It was some kind of travel blog, but the title of article said "My Adventure In Great Forest", so I decided to read at least a few sentences. Man, who wrote this article is from San Francisco. He decided to visit Great Forest for two weeks, it took him two months and two fingers on his left arm, that's what perex said. His article seemed long to me, so I got up and prepared myself some green tea. I looked at the tea box and it reminded me of Daniel. Everytime I think about him, my heart kinda hurts. And the worst part is that I think about him all the time, almost every second of my life.

   The first thing that I noticed on page were milions and milions of photos. Trees were unbelievably green and it seemed like there is no heaven above it. It felt like infinity of trees were all around the camera and the person who took this picture is lost forever. But obviously this person is found and writing articles somewhere in his home. I scrolled past the pictures of tree and I saw some pictures of the Great Lake. It's the biggest lake in Great Forest and it's much bigger than New York City. It seemed almost like sea to me. I wonder if the water is salt, because if it is not, it's possible to drink it during our quest.

   Jonas, the man who wrote this article, spent two months living in the Great Forest. He started his way in Miami, where he borrowed a jeep. He chose a dark green color, so he could sleep in much safer place than in neon-colored cars. Then he drove almost 6 hours to get as far away as possible from normal civilisation. The next ten days he was just taking some walks all around and relaxing. But after his "relax" he saw a bear wondering around. He got scared, so he jumped to his car and ran away so fast, that he left his tent with his stuff  at his camping place. Sadly, he didn't know which way he drove, so he was lost. That is why he spent two months in the forest. Luckily, he survived. There are plenty of people who didn't survive their trip due to weather, food poisoning, hunger, disease or animal attack. Actually, there are thousands of bears in the forest, which is terrifing. They are dangerous and usually hungry, so it's important to be careful.

   I swallowed the last sip of my tea and took of my bra. I decided to sleep in my dress, without taking shower or brushing my teeth. I was just way to tired, but I couldn't fall asleep either. I had to think about everything. About the Great Forest. Maybe Will isn't that crazy.

The Forest: The Beggining #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now