ლ One ლ

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You slink down against cold walls of the cell and huff (Hair Color) hair out of your face. It has been so boring today, all you want to do is sleep. You stuff your face into the foul smelling pillow and jerk the ratty blood stained sheets over your underfed frame. As soon as you start drifting off to sleep, the sound of the heavy lock in the door clicking opens rings in your matted cat ears. You perk up and look at the entrance to see one of the muscular guards standing in the cell's minuscule opening.

You hiss, ears pinned against your head and (Hair Color) tail flicking back and forth. It's been like this since day one. You've always been defensive, especially towards the wardens of the horrific facility. It all seemed like a large prison what with the mush they served as 'food' and the inhumane way they treated their subjects. The cramped spaces they called dorms are stocked with spyware, barbed wire and to top it all off bars instead of simple doors. If they gave you a reason to trust them, you sure as hell haven't seen it yet.

"Calm down will 'ya? You're the most irritable one in this place." she grunts out.

"I have a good reason to. How do I know you won't try to get rid of me again?" you quip, clutching the bandages on your thigh from their latest attempt.

"We won't," she replies "we have important guests 17746."

"That's not my name." you hiss in defiance.

"It is as long as you're in here." she says in a monotone voice whilst throwing you into a viewing cage.

It's a surprise that they didn't dress you up before putting you in here. Most of he time they'd to that to sell subjects off easily. Maybe they were just too lazy. Can't blame 'em.

Any who, you're stuck with the clothes you have on. Black finger-less gloves, camouflage cargo pants and a black tank top. As for shoes, well, you're just plain barefoot. Your (Hair Length) (Hair Color) hair is grungy and stained with blood and dirt.

The viewing cage itself isn't that complicated with a large glass wall at the front and three titanium walls on the left, right and back. A small black stool bolted to the ground provides some comfort. Why is it bolted down? Well, heh, you might've tried to smash the window with it a while back. The dry voice of the head scientist comes over the intercom.

"Listen up and listen good you outcasts!" he rasps "The guests we have today are of extremely high importance so try not to piss 'em off, okay ya brats!?" he finishes. The sound of heavy metal doors lurching open trap your attention. You sit down on the stool and wait. The sound of chattering gets louder and louder with each passing minute. Finally they stop at you. The first one to catch your attention is the tallest. He wears a crisp black suit with several white tendrils protruding from his back. The area where his facial features should be only have slight bumps where his nose should be and dips at his eye sockets. The second is a hylian boy. He has blond shaggy hair that spills endlessly from underneath a green cap. His getup is like Link from Legends of Zelda. You only know who Link is because the head scientist has a son. His names Rogue and he loves the game so one day you stole it and played it. You still have the scars from that one. His eyes are a black abyss with two red dots in the center and a tar like liquid flowing down his face. The next one is basically a joker wannabe. Again, Rogue had a Batman game. Don't judge.

But the fourth one really catches your attention. He has disheveled brow hair poking haphazardly out from under a navy blue hood. Dark chocolate eyes complementing his pale skin flick over your frame. A mouth guard and dark goggles decorate his handsome face. His clothes consist of a maple jacket with striped sleeves, black converse, blue jeans and two hatchets strapped to either side of his waist.

You frown, flip them all off and sit down on the stool with your elbow on your leg and chin in your palm.

The blond hylian smirks and says "Slends, I want this one."

"Why? Because their the only one that hasn't drooled on the glass at the sight of you?" the Joker knock off says with his permanent smirk.

"Kinda." the blond responds snidely.

"You two a-re always trying t-o get some." the brunette says cracking his knuckles and rolling his eyes.

"Actually, BEN makes a good point. They do seem to be capable of becoming a Creepypasta." the faceless man says in an extremely static voice causing you to flinch at hearing it.

"Okay, we'll take this one! What are they called?" the blond says to an unknown person. Out of the next room steps Rogue. You scowl at him and he just smirks. He has tanned skin and black hair with piercing hazel eyes. Today he's wearing a lab coat.

"Aww, did daddy make his little brat work today?" you say through the glass.

"At least I have a dad, and a name." he says grinning.

"Tch." you mutter. He turns back to the four and says:

"They don't have a name, we just call them #17746." he explains.

"Okay then, we'll take 'em." the ravenette says smirking.

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