4| Hatred

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I got lost into his eyes.. looking into them was dangerous. It made me forget who I used to be. Those deep dark eyes made me become a stranger to myself.


I stood there regretting what I had done and too scared to look at Jimin. I wanted to kill myself. I just pushed Yoona on the ground while she was making out with Jimin, what the fuck was wrong with me? Why did I do that?

I felt someone grabbing my arm, I looked over and saw Jimin. For a moment I forgot what was happening and stared into his eyes. Damn, Jimin is so beautiful. His plumped lips, his puffy eyes, his fluffy hair. I was standing in front of my bias and couldn't stop looking at him, without saying a word as tears were still coming out of my eyes. But then reality broke down again and I realized in what situation I was.

Jimin looked at me while he had my arm grabbed in his hand. The way he looked at me... As if I was some kind of monster... He looked at me full of disgust and anger.

"Who the hell are you?! You bitch apologize to her!"

I couldn't believe what was happening, Jimin yelled at me..

I looked at Yoona and she was acting weird.. Normally she would scold me or yell at me but this time she was just silent...

"Jimin... You shouldn't yell at her, I'm okay really. It's not her fault, b-blame me.."

Omg, that fucking whore! She was acting so innocent in front of Jimin!

Jimin walked towards her and helped her to get up.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

I really wanted to hit that fake bitch.

"Yah, you there apologize now!"

Jimin yelled at me again. How can he not see she's just acting?!

"Jimin, you should leave her alone, I-I am sure she has a good reason''

She turned her face to me.

''Aliah.. whatever the reason is you hate me, I am really sorry. I am trying my best to be friends with you.. But you keep scaring me.."

What the fuck was she talking about?!!!

"Maybe it's because you don't like seeing me being happy with Jimin, and that's why you pushed me, but I'm sure we can talk it out and become friends! Please Aliah just give me a chance"

I haven't seen anyone being faker than her, I wanted to take my shoe off and hit her on her head, that fucking bitch, she is trying to make me look like the bitch in front of Jimin.

Jimin grabbed her hand.

"Yoona stop it!''

He held her face.

''So this is the girl you were talking about right? The one who's been bothering you at work and keeps hurting you?"

Wait, what?! She even talked about me with Jimin? She fucking lied about me?! I have never in my whole entire life did something to hurt her!

I can't take it anymore. I've always let her talk crap about me and did nothing about it, but I will not keep quiet anymore. I'll make that bitch pay! I opened my mouth and words came out automatically.

"Yoona, how can you be such a fake bitch? How can you even act like that? I'm so damn impressed.''

I looked up to Jimin.

''Jimin, do you even realize she is lying to you?! I never did anything to hurt her.. Why do you fall for her lies? can't you see she's just acting? You.. you shouldn't be with her!"

Jimin started laughing.

"Hah, what did you say?''

He was looking at me again. I felt like I could get lost into his eyes.

''Look you little bitch, I don't even know you. How dare you to say who I have to be with or not? It's none of your business, you understand? Now if you don't want to make things worse, then behave like an adult and apologize to her"

He stared at me, with those deep dark eyes.

What was this feeling I suddenly got towards Jimin after hearing those words...

Was it..


This guy who I've always looked up to, who I've always wanted to meet, who I was so crazy about.. Did I suddenly feel hatred towards him? Even though he was just standing up for his girlfriend, why did I just hate the way he acted.

Or was it jealousy?

I suddenly didn't care anymore about my behavior, Who cares what people think about me. They already don't like me and Jimin already thinks I am some kind of desperate kid who bullies his girlfriend, so why not act like a bitch?

"Jimin... Did you know that.. I'm an army? I looked up to you. But now I know.. Reality is much more complicated than I thought. You guys can all die and I won't care."

I turned my face to Yoona.

"Yoona, you know I saw you yesterday with another guy.. and you two seemed to be pretty close. It sure wasn't Jimin''

I couldn't stop myself from talking.

''Did you know your girlfriend is a slut Jimin? Just look at her.. but don't worry, you're definitely not the only one she's fooling. I bet she's sleeping with at least 10 guys..''

Jimin took a step towards me and raised his hands. I closed my eyes and felt his hand slap against my face. It was so hard that I fell on the ground.

This is so pathetic. He is dating a slut but I have to be the one who gets slapped. Well whatever, eventually he'll find out about his fake girlfriend.

He grabbed my face and lifted it up.

''I can get you fired in just a few seconds because you're just a nobody. So don't open that ugly mouth of yours ever again, and if I see you hurt Yoona again, I'll make you suffer until you beg me on your knees to stop''

He let go of my face and took Yoona with him.

Those were his last words.

I am already suffering, nothing can be worse than this.

I laughed, I laughed so hard that my eyes got teary. They walked away and I still layed there on the ground laughing. My laugh was so desperate that it quickly turned into crying. As they were walking Yoona turned her face towards me and let an evil smile appear on her face.

She got what she wanted.


I finally got home and threw myself on the bed. Fuck. My. Life. I didn't want to live anymore. Things were already horrible but after what happened today.. After what happened with Jimin.. I fucking HATE you Jimin!

I've always dreamed about meeting BTS, about how great it would be to meet my favorite idols. After today I don't want to meet anyone. I got so depressed thinking about it. I don't want to meet the rest of the members. They'll disappoint me just like Jimin.

My mother always told me that she'd never wanted to meet her favorite idols in real life. That it was better to leave it to your imagination. I found that so stupid, like why the hell don't you wanna meet your idol.

But now I realize why...

They will only disappoint you.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep but suddenly my phone rang.

Who was calling me so late at night?

I grabbed my phone and saw an unknown phone number.

"Hello, who is this?"

I asked.

I heard a male's voice.

"Yah, I need to talk to you tomorrow so meet me at the office at 4 pm"

He hung up.

That voice... It was.. Jimin.

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