9| End Of Me

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                 At Yoona's place

Jimin was sitting on the couch next to Yoona.

"How are you? Is that girl still bothering you?"

Yoona looked away and didn't want to face Jimin.

"Look at me Yoona, did she do something again? You have to be honest with me"

"Jimin, why don't you just let it go.. There is nothing you can do as long as she is..."

She stopped talking.

"As long as what?"

Jimin looked at her.

"As long as she.. works there"

Jimin got closer to her.

"Babe, is there anything I can do for you?"

She looked Jimin in the eyes.

"I-I don't want her to work there anymore! I'm sick of it!"

She tried to convince Jimin to let her get fired. She knew if Aliah got fired because of Jimin it would be more painful to her.

Jimin hesitated for a moment.  Did she deserve to be fired? He knew for a girl like her this job meant her life. But after everything she did, it was really her own fault, he thought. If he could make his girlfriend happy by it, it would be worth it for him.

But still..

Why did he hesitate so much to let her get fired.. he hated her so it shouldn't be a problem.

Yoona took off her sweater and was left in her shirt. She turned around so her back was facing Jimin.

"What happened here?!"

Jimin yelled. She had two big bruises on her back.

"Oh, this ehm..."

Jimin was shocked when he saw the bruises.

"Was it her?! Did that bitch do this to you?!"

A little smile appeared on Yoona's face when he asked her that. They were fake bruises.

"Jimin... It's nothing.."

Jimin came closer to look at it but Yoona quickly turned around so he wouldn't be able to see it up close.

"Tell me Yoona, was it her?!"

Yoona lowered her face toward the ground.

"Y-Yes it was her.."

"Did she hit you again?! Tell me what happened!"

She started to fake her cry.

"I-I was on my way to home and saw her.. then she.. she started to threaten me... She told me not to see you anymore.. and to leave you alone... She is jealous of our relationship, that's why she does these things... When I told her that I loved you and never would leave your side she.. she started to hurt me.."

Jimin had enough of it. He was done with Aliah and decided to do something about it.


I woke up and was cold. I wrapped my blanket around me and didn't want to wake up and go to work. Every day was drama because of Jimin. I still wasn't fired and that really surprised me. Suddenly my phone rang, it was my boss. Shit, he's probably about to say that I'm fired... I didn't dare to pick up, my hands were shaking as I grabbed my phone to pick up.


"Hi Aliah, it's your boss speaking."

I prepared myself for the bad news that was coming. I pinched my blanket out of nervousness.

"I have been controlling all the work you've done. I read the reports and controlled all the administrations. I was really surprised"

Here it comes...

"You did an excellent job! The work you delivered was above your level and I also haven't heard any complaints about your behavior. I am really proud of you Aliah. Because of your good work, I have really good news for you. I want to upgrade your position to a higher level"

I got so surprised at what he said! Did he just say that.. he'll upgrade me?! How did this happen?

Thinking back I really did do my work seriously and put a lot of effort into it. I guess hard work pays off!

But.. he still didn't know about what happened with Yoona, he'll probably find out soon and then everything will be taken away from me...

"Thank you so much! I'll do my best to make you even more proud. Thank you!"

I just had no words cause I was so happy. But whenever I thought of Yoona it made me sad again.. What if that bitch is going to ruin it for me again.

No.. she is not the one I should be afraid of. It's Jimin.. he is the one who I should fear.


I arrived at work and was in a good mood. Today was my first day to work in my higher position. I had my own office with my own desk and computer!

The only bad thing is that it's in the main building of Big Hit.. so I'll be seeing more Jimin. That means more drama and a bigger chance I'll disappoint my boss. 

But I won't let that happen! Cause I decided that I won't be involved again. I don't care anymore about Jimin and his girlfriend. I'll just let them do their thing and try my best to avoid them. Even though Yoona will try to bother me, I'll just ignore her.

Today a new chapter of my life has started!

My boss came into my office and we talked for a bit. While we were busy in our conversation, I heard the door open.

"How can you give her this position?!"

I turned around and saw jimin.

"Jimin, don't just walk in and disturb us like that, can't you see we are having a conversation?"
My boss said calmly, while jimin came in yelling.

I was so shocked to see Jimin, but I knew he was about to ruin everything for me.

"No, I don't care about that! This is urgent, that girl is a dirty abuser!"

My boss looked confused and stared at me and then back at jimin.

"What are you talking about?"

Jimin walked towards him and started to talk again.

"She hurt Yoona at work, she has bruises all over her back!"

What did he say... I abused her? I did attack her but I know I didn't hit her that hard to have left bruises?! And It was impossible to have them at her back, I never touched her there.

"She abused Yoona? Why would she do that? You can't just tell a random story without any evidence"

Jimin grabbed his Phone.

"I have pictures of her bruises, I'll show you!"

He showed the picture to my boss and he was still confused. I knew it was Yoona again with her dirty games.

"I still can't assume anything with those pictures... I'll need Yoona or Aliah to confirm this... Aliah, is it true what he says?"

I shook my head.

"N-No it's not true"

Jimin sighed.

"Of course she is not going to admit it! And Yoona won't either cause she is too afraid. She doesn't want Aliah to get fired because of her even though Aliah has been bothering her this whole time. She hasn't said a word about this so that's why I'm doing it! Just fire her already!"

My boss looked disappointed at me... It was my first day.. and Jimin ruined it for me... I'm about to get fired because of him.

"Jimin I understand your concern, but I can't do anything without Yoona confirming this herself"

Jimin grabbed his phone again.

"Alright, I'll call her right now and let her tell the truth!"

God.. what did I do to deserve this.. not only am I losing my job... I'm also hated by my bias and he'll be the damn reason I'll be fired.

Jimin called Yoona and she picked up. He put her voice on the speaker.

"Hello, Jimin?"

Shit, she picked up.. this is the end for me.

"Yoona I'm here with Aliah's boss, tell him the truth about what she did to you."

There was a moment of silence. Then she started to speak.

"N-No I-I cannot do that... I'm sorry... I just..."

"Yoona you have to tell him! Just do it!"

Yet again Yoona was acting innocent.. pretending she was a victim, making people believe in her lies.

"Yoona, don't be afraid of telling the truth, if Aliah did something to you, you should tell me"

My boss said in a calm voice.

All I could do was listen to all the crap that was happening. There was nothing I could do anymore. I knew it was over.

Suddenly we heard a crying voice. Did she really had to go this far to even fake her damn cry?!

"A-Allright.. i-it's true... she abused me at work and she.. she has been bothering me for a while, I even have bruises because of her.."

She suddenly started to cry out loud.

Of course it was fake, the whole story was fake. But the problem was...only two people knew that it wasn't true; me and Yoona.

I knew it was the end of me.

The job I've been working so hard for... That damn bitch, no, that damn Park Jimin just took it away from me.

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