40| Strangers

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Monday.. I used to hate mondays, the day after the weekend, everybody hated it. But I never imagined, that there would be a time in my life, that mondays would become my everything. That I'd impatiently wait the whole week, till it finally became monday.

Lisa took me in her arms as I cried. His letter crumbled into my hand. I cried, screamed, broke down. I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't ready for those words, written on a stupid paper. I just wasn't ready to live without him again..

"Please.. take away this pain. I can't do this anymore.."

I cried out in Lisa's arms.

"Just please.. make me forget him, please"

I tightened my arms around her and cried harder.

"But why? Why do you want to forget him? It won't make it easier.. "

"Because it hurts so bad. Seeing his face.. thinking of him every moment.. it's so painful. It will kill me.. if he can't be with me.. I will kill myself.. I'm afraid I will.. so it's better to not remember him anymore before it's too late! Before I'll do something.. before I can't do what he told me to do.."

"Aliah.. I don't think I can make you forget him. And I don't think you'll ever be able to live without that pain. But we can make you accept the pain. If you accept all this.. then you can live on. You just have to live Aliah. Just live with a smile.. and instead of thinking of him as a hurtful memory.. think of him as a happy memory. I'm sure he wants you to be happy. So if you can't live for yourself, live for him.. smile for him.. enjoy life for him. Cause that's what he wants"

It was exactly what I wanted to hear. It wasn't like it would make me feel better. But at least it gave me a reason to live on. And as I lived on my life without Jimin, the only reason of being alive was because of the tiny hope Jimin gave me. That he would come for me. As I waited for that day, I found my way again and worked hard. I lived with a smile and was happy. I was happy because Jimin wanted me to be happy. I was happy because, he would come back for me. I had hope again.

1 year later

I arrived at my company.
"Hello miss Aliah!"

"Hello there, you're looking happy on this monday morning! Did something happen? Did you finally found a girlfriend?"

I smirked at my collegue as he laughed.

"No I wish! I'm just happy because our company is finally doing good again, after the whole scandal because YOU left us and made a whole mess here."

He smiled at me.

"Yes yes I'm sorry. But I'm back, and I won't let any of you down anymore"

The others greeted me as well. I got really close to my collegues. That's because I was always a mean bitch to them before. But after Jimin left, I came back to the company and I was my old self again. It was all because I enjoyed my life again. Even though he wasn't with me, I knew he wasn't really gone either. So I waited for him, and in the mean time, I got back all my succes. I used to get a lot of hate, but people started to love me and I even had people who looked up to me. It was a really great feeling.

I got home again from a long day of work. I looked at my phone and saw the text from Namjoon.

From Namjoon:
Hey, we'll be there in an hour.

A Love To Fear || Jimin FF [18+]Where stories live. Discover now