Chapter 4

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Maxon's POV

I started to put on my navy blue suit. I felt a pair of hands stroke my hair. "That relaxing?"I heard Kriss's voice say. "Yeah," I reply. She stopped and I turned around and she was smiling at me. She raped her arms around my neck and crashes he lips against mine. There was no major spark like the ones I used to share with America. There was a spark but it wasn't as strong as me and Americas kisses. Damn I love America how could I have been so stupid and chose Kriss? I broke the kiss and ran out of room and towards the gardens.

America's POV

I was stunned this was my chance to see Maxon again. I missed him more than anything in Illèa. Sure I miss my family, the heat and the palace. But I missed Maxon the most. I missed my Strawberry tarts secondly. Man I miss those Strawberry tarts. Amber asked if we wanted to ditch school. It's only Friday and we don't do anything on Fridays so we decided to watch Netflix and Now TV all day. I got popcorn and we each chose a movie and we watched them. Surprisingly I hated the movie I picked and loved the movies that Celeste and Amber picked. Amber picked a action movie and Celeste picked a comedy, it was Lee Evens tour movie 'Monsters'. I picked a Comedy Romantic  it made the girls laugh but I hated it because the movie was similar to one of the movies I watched with Maxon. Stop thinking about the idiot!

The weekend flew by. Me and the girls where nervous on Monday to meet Maxon.
Amber ran to the door and opened it. I was talking to Celeste with my back to the door. "The Prince would like to see you in 10 minutes stacked!" I heard Silvia's voice order. I heard footsteps coming towards me and Celeste. Celeste's trailed from my eyes to Silvia's. I heard Silvia gasp. I turned around and she stared at me. She looked me up and down then straightened herself before hugging us both.  I guess after you see my ice blue eyes you'll never forget them no matter how different I look. I had to die my hair a Chilli Chocolate. I loved the colour but it's starting to fade and you can see my Ginger hair colour breaking through.  "We've been looking all over for you two!" She shouted in a stern but happy tone. I hugged her again. She pulled away and pointed a finger at me, "Do you know how to dance?" She asked. I chuckled and so did Celeste and Amber. "Yes I'm the best in my dance class," I lied. I was good but not the best. She looked at me funny and shrugged it off. She walked towards the door then motioned us to follow. I grabbed Celeste's hand she handed it me willingly.
We walked through the doors of the meeting room. I saw two men sitting at the table and two women staring out the window. Without even thinking me and Celeste curtsied. "Rise," I heard King Clarkson's stern voice command. I looked over to Amber who was still in her curtsy. I tapped her shoulder and she rose. I nodded at her. I glanced over to where Silvia was and she was whispering in Queen Amberly's ear. They glanced over at us and thousands of emotions flooded the Queens eyes. Then I felt someone staring at me. I looked over to the King he still had his head in paperwork. Then I slowly glanced over to Maxon. He was standing and staring at me and Celeste shocked. I smiled at him and it looked like he was about to run up to us and kiss our faces. I glanced to Celeste and she caught me eye and we giggled. "What's so funny lady's?" The King asked. He looked up at us, he met eyes with Celeste first then to me and he looked lovingly at me. What has happened to Clarkson? "N-nothing your Majesty," I replied trying not to role on the floor with laughter. But as soon as we got out this room I could. Then Clarkson walked up to me and bear hugged me. "My beautiful daughter," he said starting to cry. I glanced to Celeste and she had her hand over her mouth trying not to laugh. "Let it out Loz!" I shouted. As I said that she burst out laughing and so did Amber. "Loz?" Maxon asked.
"Yeah that's Lauren," I winked at him.
"I'm Celeste!" Celeste said putting her hand up. Maxon ran up to her and hugged her. The Queen burst out into tears and so did Kriss and Silvia. "I'm America," I whispered. The King was still hugging me. As I said those words he lifted me up and twirled me. Kriss looked at me. I smiled at her and she ran up to me and hugged me tighter than the King did.  Then the Queen, the King and Maxon all hugged me. I rested my head on the Queens shoulder and started to cry. Maxon opened his eyes and tugged his ear. I did the same.

This chapter has 880 words in it not including this A/N. Anyway this has been a long chapter I hope I didn't put you to sleep but hay how at least u will get a goodnight sleep. You know how Lee Evans 'Monsters' is mention in this chapter well please watch it if you haven't already it's amazing. I highly recommend it.
-Amewilson 🤓

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