What would have happened if Maxon didn't choose America?
Maxon's parents are still alive
Celeste didn't get shot
Basically the rebel attack never happened
America ran off to England with Celeste and Maxon married Kriss. Everyone in Illèa thinks tha...
That was my first time. I was shocked. I don't know why but I was. I put my clothes on why America slept peacefully. I decided to write her a note. *I wrote* America that was...wow. I had to go and see Kriss. Sorry if I've made you late for lesson but hay you can make up for it next week because I'm not here next week. :( sorry to leave you. Love you Omg seeing that in writing makes it real. -Maxon I put it on her desk and sneaked out the room. When I arrived at the hotel where me and Kriss where staying I went up to our room. I heard noises coming from the room and stormed in. What I saw next was like a mental scar. I fell to the floor then everything went dark.
America's POV
I woke up and a smile appeared on my face as I remembered what happened. I rolled onto my back and daydreamed about it. I climbed out of bed and got dressed. I put on a blue blouse, black jeans and brown ankle boots.
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I walked towards class and saw Celeste flirting with Jake. A bit of jealousy went through me but then I saw Queen Amberly and the memories came back. She ran up to me and hugged me. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's Maxon," Amberly said starting to cry. "What happened!?" I shouted. Clarkson must of herd me because he hugged me. "He's in hospital," he whispered in my ear. I slid down to the floor and started to cry. Amberly sat down next to me and wrapped her arms around me. Then Clarkson followed.
A/N Hi hope you like it. In the next chapter you will find out who Kriss was doing 'it' with behind Maxon's back. -Amewilson