Gay Motif Story Thing

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I am gay. This is an odd thing to say to someone new, but it is true. I've been hiding that I'm gay from my family and friends. My family is very homophobic and my family members constantly joke about gay people. These jokes usually bug me, but I don't tend show this. I should probably try to talk to my family about things of this nature, and tell them how the jokes make me uncomfortable, but they tend to thing I get offended too easily when I say something about it.

My friends also make jokes, but most of the time I can tell that they are just jokes, and not meant as homophobic comments, so they rarely bug me. I'm sure that if I came out to my friends they would accept me, but it's just the rest of the school I'm worried about, as well as my family.

Thingy Ma BobWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt