The Heart's Unspoken Love

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It felt like it was just yesterday when I had married this wonderful man. In just seven years I finished two more years of college to become a therapist and Ian finished four years of college so he could become a veterinarian.

I spent five years as a therapist to earn money to buy our own home and Ian spent three years being a veterinarian. In total, it has been seven years since we got married. And now we are happily married with a kid and a beautiful home.

"I can't believe you agreed to let the recorders come over to interview us." Ian said. There were people that wanted to interview us for the movie they were going to make about us and I agreed.

"This is a great opportunity for us. Wouldn't you like to see a movie be made about you. We're two models working as a therapist and veterinarian. Isn't that awesome?"

"You're right. I would like to see a movie like that." Darn that smile of his, it always gets me.

"They'll be coming over in just a bit." There came a knock on the door. "Or they'll be here right now."

I went to open the door. "Please come in."

"Thank you."

"You can have a seat right over there." I pointed at the ground near Ian. We didn't like to use chairs unless it was in the dining room.

I sat next to Ian and our baby boy. "Shall we get started?" One of the reporters asked

 "Shall we get started?" One of the reporters asked

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"Go ahead," Ian answered.

"First question, How long have you been married?"

"Seven years," Ian answered.

"When did you give birth to your kid?"

"two years ago," I answered. We both answered the question we knew.

"What is the thing you love most about him?"

I'm pretty sure that question was for me and since my character's going to be me I should help her bring me to life. "His smile and his personality."

"And how about you?"

That one was for Ian. "Her thoughts and her heart."

"Do you like modeling better than you like being a veterinarian or therapist?" Easy question. We could both answer this.

"Being a veterinarian."

"Being a therapist."


We both replied at the same time, "because I get paid more." We stopped and both laughed.

"Really?" The reporter took us way to seriously.

"No. I just like helping animals."

"And I like hearing other's thoughts that they can't express and have to keep hidden." I have a more deeper meaning to everything. I add more then I have to. Where as Ian was just simple and straightforward.

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