On To Change

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"Tell me what you want to hear,
Something that will light those ears,
I'm sick of all the insincere."
-OneRepublic, Secrets

Rachel's P.O.V.

I watch Grace and Angel interact as we sit in a circle on the ground. They seem to get along but Grace has a look of caution. She doesn't trust the people here, but she hasn't spent four days with them. I trust them almost entirely. Thomas not so much but the rest I like. They are sweet, strong, wise, violent, but most importantly they have soul. They don't have a genuine desire to hurt people, they have a desire to protect. But that protection is extremely limited. It's limited to their own. I can see that clearly. So I'm not really sure where I fit into this equation, or Grace. But I don't think they want trouble.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Grace says to me as we eat some trail mix with Daryl. I smile and toss a raisin in the air but it misses my mouth.

"We kept her safe," Angel says dismissively tossing a peanut in the air and catching it on his tongue when it spirals back down.

"Show off," I mutter to him and her smirks. "I'm sorry I worried you though girl." I add turning back to Grace.

"Why didn't you come back to camp?" she asks me suddenly with a furrowed brow.

"I was going too, but Craig promised that he and the others were going to find you guys and bring you here. Rick's considering letting us stay here with them!" I explain and Grace just looks at me.

"So you listened to some guy named Craig that you just met? And why didn't anyone come find us then?" Grace asks looking at Angel this time. He avoids her gaze.

"He said that groups were going out and searching." I say dismissively. I become aware of Angel looking at the trail mix in his hand almost guiltily. "There were groups going out right?" I question him. He ignores me.

"No one came near our group these past four days Rachel. Someone's been lying to you because the only people doing any looking was us for you." Grace says coldly and Angel looks up at her in annoyance.

"Thomas said we didn't need trouble with Rach's group, but I looked. I really did, and I didn't see any of you out there. So I gave up after two days but Thomas isn't someone to mess with. If you want to leave you're gonna have to sneak out because he doesn't want you leading your group back so you guys are sort of trapped here." Angel explains quietly. I look at him angrily.

"What were you guys just going to keep me here like a pet?" I shout and stand up. That overwhelming trust I'd felt is pretty quickly declining.

"Hush," he objects massaging his temple.

"We need to get out of here," Grace says standing.

I look between her and Angel. He's so hard looking but he has character I can see. Grace just want's to get back to our people. Grace is someone I know I can trust, I've spent more time with her than any of these people, but this place and even it's inhabitants have made me feel safe. Safer than I have in a long time and I don't want to back outside these prison walls. Not in the least. But will Grace understand? The ideal thing would be for Thomas to allow us all to stay here but he seems set on keeping his people in and everyone else out. I'd say it's honestly a matter of time until he makes me leave. Craig said he hasn't been the same since his wife Tanika died. That's enough to send anyone over the edge, no one can blame him, but I have a feeling that someone else should take over. He is only going to further seclude and possibly endanger his people up until the point that there won't be a group left. There will be Thomas, and that's if he's lucky . My thoughts are interrupted however, by Craig himself who just burst in the room. "Rachel you have to get out here, bring your friend! Matt brought Troy here!" he says happily. My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Grace, Angel, and I leap up and follow. We rush down the stairs, out the gate, and into the court yard. We arrive in time to see Thomas and Troy shake hands.

"Troy!" I shout and he looks over. He suddenly looks at me with recognition. "Oh my gosh what...?" he gasps. "You're okay!" he laughs and hugs me.

"Yes," I laugh and hug him.

"We thought you were gone! Where have you been? Grace went crazy looking for you it was kinda scary," he says incredulously.

"I've been here," I chuckle and he furrows his brow.

"You didn't come let us know you were okay?" he inquires confusedly.

"She thought Thomas had sent people looking but he hadn't," Grace chimes in.

Troy runs his hand down his face in exhaustion. I look around at everyone and their faces are a mix of excitement and confusion. No one wants to fight and no one wants to go but we can't stay here anymore I don't think. I don't know what we're going to do. Just then Matt speaks up. "Go get your group. Bring them here. You have a right to a share of the supplies anyways. Our gates are open to you." he says to Troy.

"Is that alright?" Troy inquires but I know his question is directed at Thomas.

"It'll be fine I promise you." Hannah chimes in hopefully. I catch the two exchanging glances and I wonder what that's about briefly.

"We'll help you bring your people here, don't come up with reasons not too either, this place is safer than wherever you're staying I guarantee." Angel speaks up.

"I'm not exactly making up reasons I'm so excited about this I can't remember when I was last excited." Troy says sarcastically.

"Get in the truck," Matt says in amusement and approaches the vehicle.

Troy doesn't follow right away. He stays with me, Grace, and Mace. He looks tired and drained. "Guys," he begins. "You see that guy?" he continues pointing to Thomas who has just walked outside the gate. He has a machete and is going after a few dozen Infecteds approaching the gate with a vengeance. He is prone to snapping like that and taking his aggression out on the dead. "That's the future me if we don't get help and I don't have a good feeling about this place. But at the same time I do. I don't know if this is a good choice, for us to stay here. But what else are we going to do? I vote we come here. BUT," he pauses and looks around at us. "I'm not gonna be a one man leader like this Thomas guy. What do you three say?" he asks us, which surprises me. I look at Grace and Mace. She is grinning like there's no tomorrow and Mace looks content.

"You lead Troy." Mace says.

"You lead," Grace conceeds.

"Yeah," I smile. Troy laughs.

"The yeah's have it! Let's go get our people." Troy grins and rubs his neck. Grace and Troy walk towards the truck with Matt and then I notice Mace has fallen behind. I look at him and he smiles. "I'm gonna stay and meet the locals." he says to me. I don't question him and nod, then Craig comes running out joining us, leaping into the bed of the truck.

"We're finally gonna be able to sleep with both eyes shut," Troy shouts happily.

"That sounds good," I grin at him. Then we pull out of the gates, that Christina and Hannah close behind us.

On to change.

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