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Shoving a few clothes into an already stuffed box, you pulled posters off the walls with a solemn frown, reminiscing about the concerts you went to with your friends. "I think I'm done here," you sighed sadly; within the past few years, you had made many friends, but two had stuck around for as long as you can remember, never failing to make your lips curl up into a smile. You knew you'd miss them, just by the way your eyes filled to the brim with salty tears when you thought about all the good times you spent with them.

"(Y/n)!" You heard your mom call from downstairs, her voice muffled, "Sally's here to see you!" Throwing the poster of (f/b) onto the bed, you bounded off and sprinted down the stairs, the breeze whipping through your hair as you locked eyes with familiar brown hues. Without a second thought, you tackled her, wrapping your arms and legs around her torso as you came crashing to the ground, giggles bubbling in your throat.

Sally laughed, getting out from under you and lifting you up by the hand.
"God, girl! I missed you and I haven't even moved!" You exclaimed, running your fingers through disheveled (h/c) locks. She returned a cheeky grin, winking slightly.

Laughing, she replied, "I'll always be missing you!" Moving in for a hug, you two awkwardly stood in the foyer of your house, embracing your best friend tightly. "Hey, promise me you won't forget us, hm?" She whispered into your ear, a broken sob echoing through her frame. "If I'm not mistaken, Silver goes to the same school you're headed to; you'll be fine, I'm sure." Sighing, Sally pulled back, but held onto your shoulders. Understanding where she came from, you nodded slightly, tucking a loose (h/c) strand behind your ear.

"My god, Sally. You're so dramatic. I can't just forget my best friend, you dingus!" You said with a cheerful chuckle, taking her hands into your own and swinging them between your forms. "Come with me." Dragging her up the stairs, still hand in hand, you pull her into your bare room, rummaging around for a small item - a USB. "Ah! Here it is." Handing the small green coloured stick to her, you smiled, "Listen. You're going to go to Walmart or something, and get these developed. Don't forget to bring doubles!" Pushing her back out of your room, you beamed at her before she nodded, chortling. As she walked off, you closed your door, hearing it click shut.

Sighing, you put your face in your hands, resting your elbows on your thighs. Do I really have to move? It was taking a toll on you - all this faking that you were alright with moving, and that it wasn't a big deal that you're moving four cities over. Your eyebrows creased, a moan of annoyance leaving your plump lips as you looked to the ceiling, the white paint peeling. Your friends were the single best thing that happened to you, but now moving meant that you'd never see them again. It was nearly unthinkable for you three to be seen without each other; Sally, (Y/n), and Mighty. A rather odd group, but you had no qualms with it whatsoever.

Nearly a year had passed since Mighty had shyly confessed his growing feelings for you, and nearly a year passed since you had to turn him down, wanting to keep the friendship but not making it into something more. It took him months to get over you, but when he did, an even stronger friendship was born.

How you met Sally? Oh, boy. You can't even remember it, the memories get fuzzy after a while; but from how Sally explained it, you were her saviour in a time of hardship, as her ex-boyfriend cheated on her and you had brought her out of her antisocial shell.

Sitting there for Lord knows how long, your door creaked open, two baby blue eyes peeking in cautiously. "Is it safe to enter?" Mighty questioned, pushing the door open a little more.

Snapping out of your trance, you inwardly grinned, "Hm? Oh, you might've wanted to ask before you opened the door. How do you know I wasn't changing, or dancing in my underwear or something?" Rolling his eyes gently, Mighty walked in, sitting down on the bed with a serious expression washing across his features. The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and you mentally cursed yourself for giving him the satisfying mental image of you dancing in your underwear.

He raised a gloved hand to your face, his lower lip between his teeth as he rubbed his thumb over your eyebrows; an action he would often do when he knew you were hiding something.

You relaxed under his comforting touch, melting into the feeling of his fingertips on your temples. Cocking an eyebrow, Mighty didn't even have to ask a question before you were spilling your feelings to him. "I really don't want to leave," you mumbled sadly, scooting closer to him. Resting your head on his shoulder, his arm dropped from your face and instead wrapped itself around your shoulders, his warmth calming and soothing to your tense nerves.

"We can't magically change your parent's minds, can we?" He murmured, burying his nose into your hair and inhaling your scent, as he wouldn't smell it for a long, long time.

"You're right - we can't," you admitted, closing your eyes and embracing this moment. Although you knew that you'd miss him greatly, you also knew that he's take this move ten times worse than you. A violent shudder shook through him, and you slowly got out of the hug and lifted his chin with your index finger and thumb. Small, crystal tears were making their ways down his cheeks, azure eyes filled to the brim with more salty tears, waiting to be released. Seeing him, your own eyes began to water, and minuscule droplets formed at the corners of your eyes, overflowing when you smiled at Mighty. You rested your forehead against his, feeling his grip tighten around you as his breath left his lips in pants. "Hey, it's going to be fine." You reassured, pressing your lips together after hearing how broken you sounded.

"It won't be fine," he spoke, voice cracking, "my best friend is moving. Nothing can really get worse." His whole body shook with another sob, and you moved so your lips were hovering by his ear.

"It's going to be fine." You whispered, more firmly than before. Planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek, you heard him sigh before you snuggled into his shoulder, accepting his warmth with open arms.


Thanking Sally, you placed the envelope full of photos into your bag, giving her a tight hug. "It's just a small change," she said, more to herself than to you. A slight breeze blew through your hair, messing it up slightly as the sun set, igniting the sky with a beautiful blend of pink, red, and orange.

Agreeing with a curt nod, she pulled away as Mighty approached you, arms extended. "Where's my hug?" He asked with a raspy voice, eyes still puffy and red.

"Right here," you told him, wrapping your arms around him and giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek, feeling him return it. "I'll miss you tons, you know that?" He held you tighter, almost to the point where it was crushing you, but you didn't mind.

Adjusting your hat, you left him and got into the car, rolling the windows down and looking at your friends sorrowful faces before waving at them. "Bye, guys." You bid your farewell, tears cascading down your cheeks.

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