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You were roughly shoved into what you assumed was a car, a burning sensation on your wrists indicating they were tied together once more. You growled unhappily into the piece of cloth wrapped around your mouth, (e/c) hues narrowing under the dark blindfold.

As your face made contact with the rough carpet of the car floor, you heard a grunt. You could just make out the door closing after you let out a little whine. Frowning, you heard the muffled sound of Fiona talking to Scourge. "I don't want to see him again." (H/c) eyebrows were furrowed in confusion. Why would she say that? Is she talking about Sonic?

Scourge loudly cackled before responding. "Babe, just stay in the car." Nothing was heard other than three car doors opening and closing, a wave of cold air hitting you like a slap. Your teeth chattered loudly, your body shaking from the intense chill. It wasn't this cold when you had left the house, but then again, you were pretty much bear hugged by Pein as he dragged you to the car.

"There is a low chance he will remember you anyways." A smooth voice spoke, and you recognized it as Light. Although he hadn't spoken much, he sounded very intelligent and cunning.

An engine revved and the car began to shake, indicating that you were on the road. A content sigh escaped your dry lips as you happily thought of being back home; with Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. Although you were worrying; why didn't Shadow come? Did Shadow even notice I was gone? Did Sonic even arrive to welcome me back? You shook these negative thoughts away as you imagined being back home in the comfort of your bed, Shadow making you breakfast like any other day.

Although you hadn't been kidnapped for long, you felt homesick. The car halted to a stop as you slightly rolled around, an unhappy grunt leaving your mouth. The door opened and again, cold air surrounded you like a blanket. You were dragged by your ankle until you could dangle your legs off the edge of the car. The pressure on your ankles and wrists loosened and the dark cloth was removed from your eyes.

It took a few minutes to get your vision back in focus, the sudden bright light obscuring your vision. The cloth from your mouth still wasn't removed, but you ignored it as you looked at your surroundings. Light stood in front of you, his caramel locks landing perfectly on his sculpted cheekbones. You blushed, his gaze never wavering. "It was nice to have you around, (y/n)." He whispered, handing you your phone; your fingers brushed ever so slightly, encouraging your blush. You nodded bashfully, your (e/c) pools ignoring his chocolate brown ones.

He offered you a hand, and you gratefully took it, enjoying the feeling of his soft skin against yours. You looked around, noticing that you were in a parking lot, the desolate concrete illuminated by tall lamps. What am I doing? You angrily asked yourself, removing your hand from his grasp. You muttered a bitter "Thank you," under the silk cloth, removing it in a swift motion before pushing him aside and running as fast as your feet would carry. You continued to run, your eyes watering at the amount of cold air hitting them.

"(Y/n)? (Y/N)!" Upon hearing your name, you slowed down and sunk to your knees, tears flowing freely down your face, (h/c) locks in your eyes. You heard fast footsteps towards you as a silhouette blocked the little light you had. He crouched down next to you, a hand comfortingly placed on the small of your back. "(Y/n)," Sonic breathed, his verdant pools scanning your form for any sight of injury. "You're alright." He reassured himself more than you, his shoulders relaxing upon seeing you.

He frowned when he saw the rope marks on your wrists and the never-ending tears, but left the matter for now. Sighing, his azure figure scooped you up in his arms as he held you close to his chest, beginning his journey to your house. You were still crying, occasionally wiping the salty tears from your face.

"Sonic," you hiccuped a few times. "I missed you." You completed, not failing to notice the way his heart beat faster against your fragile form. A minuscule smile graced your lips at the small blush that adorned Sonic's face. His eyes trailed down to your figure, smiling slightly.

His face neared yours, and now it was your turn to blush. He carefully kissed the tip of your nose, your face exploding into many shades of pink. He moved his face, kissing your forehead, cheeks, and finally your lips. He captured them in between his soft ones, your face heating up. You moved your arms to rest around his neck, feeling the heat from his face on yours. You put some pressure on your lips, returning the kiss with eagerness. The kiss was innocent but satisfying. When you separated, it took a few moments for you to catch your breath.

With a small smile, Sonic murmured into your ear. "I missed you too. And-" he paused, placing a chaste kiss on your ear. The next words caused you heart to pound relentlessly against your rib cage.

"I love you."

save me - shadow x reader x sonicWhere stories live. Discover now