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**A Month Later**:

 Roman sighed happily, as he walked into the break room at work, he was almost done his day shift and had another date with Dean later that evening. Roman's been dating Dean now for a month and he couldn't be happier. He still hasn't told Seth about his relationship yet though, but it wasn't because his brother wouldn't approve of it or anything. It was because he wanted to keep Dean to himself for now, as selfish as that sounded it was true, wanting to keep it a secret for a little while longer.

 Even though their relationship was going well, he knew he didn't love Dean yet, but he did care very deeply for him and could easily fall in love. He was everything Roman wanted; he was kind, funny, sweet, protective, the list kept going on! Even though they both were intensely attracted to each other, all they had done so far was kiss and make-out. It wasn't that they didn't want to go further, it was just that Roman didn't know if he was ready to be intimate. Afraid that everything would change between them if they made love; it's happened too many times to Roman. Dean was so understanding about it, he never got angry or pushed Roman into doing anything he wasn't ready for.

 "Hey Ro." Seth's voice spoke, breaking into his thoughts.

 "Hey Seth." Roman greeted him smiling.

 "I'm so glad shifts done soon. It's been crazy busy today!" Seth said, as he sat down with his coffee.

 "I know, this is the first time I've had a break all day!" Roman agreed sighing. "I heard you had an interesting patient come in an hour ago." He added smiling, as he took a drink of his coffee.

 "How did you hear about her?"

 "Who? You mean your new girlfriend?" Roman replied laughing.

 "Shut it Reigns!" Seth said smiling.

 "Aw, what's the matter Sethie? Don't I at least get to know her name?" Roman teased.

 "Her name is Marie, happy now? She's just a sweet, harmless, elderly lady okay?"

 "Harmless huh? That's not what I heard dude!" Roman stated.

 "What did you hear?" Seth asked.

 "Oh, nothing really...except that she's an ass grabber!" Roman replied laughing.

 "Damn Mike and his big mouth!" Seth replied. "Yeah, okay she grabbed my ass once...five times! Laugh it up Chuckles, maybe I'll put in a request to switch with your stupid Samoan ass?"

 "Nah, wouldn't want to break up the happy couple!" Roman said, as he laughed harder.

 "Yeah, yeah keep laughing! You wanna go get a couple beers tonight? It feels like forever since we've hung out!" Seth asked, changing the subject.

 "Can't dude, sorry." Roman answered.

 "What? Why not?"

 "I already have plans." Roman replied, as he finished his coffee and stood throwing his cup out.

 "Plans? Without me Rome?" Seth asked shocked, as he stood too.


 "With who?"

 "Someone who's not you! I gotta get back to work, but I'll see you later Two-Tones!" Roman said smiling, as he patted Seth on the back, before he left.


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