Nightmares Come To Life

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**The Next Day**:

 Dean angrily paced the clearing in the forest for the 100th damn time, his hands clenched into fists at his sides, as Zander sat on a rock silently watching him. It was now three hours past the designated meeting time they had agreed on with that son-of-a-bitch, Keeper and there was still no sign of the bastard! He was grateful that Zander has remained quiet since their arrival, he was beyond pissed that Keeper was nowhere to be found and he didn't want to snap at Zander because of his anger. He continued pacing as he thought about Keeper, he had warned that piece of shit not to fuck them around, but like usual you can't trust that bastard! He didn't give a damn about anyone, but his damn self, he knew this was going to happen, dammit, he knew it!

 "Dean, just because he isn't here yet, doesn't..."

 "Save it, Zander!" Dean said angrily, cutting him off, as he stopped pacing and looked at him. "I knew we never should have trusted him, dammit, I fucking knew it! That..."

 "That what?" Keeper's amused voice spoke from behind them, cutting Dean off, they both turned to face him. "Please, do go on, brother, don't let me stop you." He added smiling, as he sat on a rock.

 "You're late!" Dean stated angrily, pointing at him, as he walked towards him.

 "My, my, aren't you the observant one today, brother." Keeper mocked still smiling, unmoved by Dean's anger.

 "Did you find anything out?" Zander questioned irritated rubbing his forehead, already getting a headache from Keeper's usual games.

 "Yes and no." Keeper replied sighing.

 "Oh, my fuck!" Dean said frustrated. "What the hell does that mean?" He demanded.

 "I wasn't able to gather anything useful, like I knew would happen. Vassago is blocking the dreams, why...I don't know."

 "What?" Dean said his anger growing.

 "I was lucky to get even that out of the stubborn old fool, Ambrose!" Keeper stated angrily, as he stood. "I did what I said I would do, I returned to the nest and spoke to Vassago; I of course, lied and told him I sensed a strange power being used at the nest and feared it was you. He laughed and admitted it was him, but he refused to elaborate when I asked about it."

 "Wait, he didn't question you sensing the power?" Zander asked confused, Keeper shook his head no. "Does that mean Vassago has found..."

 "An ancient power source?" Keeper said, cutting him off, Zander nodded, Keeper sighed, before he sat back down on the rock. "Yes."

 "Dammit!" Dean yelled upset. "So, you're telling us we're basically fucked?"

 "No." Keeper replied calmly. "Here's an idea, Dean, let's try feeling something other than anger for once, okay?"

 "You son-of-a..." Dean began angrily, as he lunged towards Keeper, but Zander caught him and pushed him backward gently.

 "Alright, Keeper, what did you mean then?" Zander questioned.

 "Vassago may have found an ancient power source, but he cannot use it forever. This power; whatever it is, can only be used for a little while, then it will become completely useless. Ancient magic wasn't meant to be used long term; its purpose is to help whoever possesses it to gain an advantage over their enemies." Keeper explained.

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