Found Out

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 Roman sat on the bed across from Dean, as he listened to him tell him everything about being a vampire. It still shocked him to learn that vampires existed, he was even more shocked to learn there were more vampires than just Dean and they all lived here in town with him. Dean told him how vamps used to be everywhere around the world, until they were killed off over the years by humans and now all that remained were the ones he lived with; his family. He held nothing back, answered every one of Roman's many questions and he didn't laugh; only smiled, as he corrected Roman's knowledge of vampires he had learned from books, TV and movies. None of what Dean told or showed him scared or concerned him; except for the strict set of rules vamps had to follow. Knowing that Dean's life...or undead life was in danger because of him, scared Roman!

 "Dean, what...what would happen if they found out about" 

 "I'd be brought before the Elders and Vassago by The Keeper and made to explain everything. Then I'd be given two options by them." Dean answered sighing.

 "What are they?" Roman asked, unsure if he wanted to know.

 "Well, the first option would be to end our relationship and stay away from you forever."

 "And...and the second?"

 "The uh, second is...if I refuse then I'd be put to death." Dean answered quietly.

 "D...death?" Roman replied shocked by the answer. "Isn't that a little extreme?"

 "Roman, my kind despises mortals! They're the reason we've been nearly wiped out over the centuries. Falling in love with a mortal and refusing to end it, is the biggest act of betrayal to my people!" Dean explained.

 "Have...have there been any other vamps who have fallen in love with a mortal?"

 "No, none that I know of and there isn't much I don't know about my family." Dean replied.

 "Oh." Roman said quietly.

 Roman got off the bed and began to pace, as he thought of everything Dean had just told him. Dean sat on the bed watching him silently, knowing he needed time to work through everything he was just told. Finally Roman stopped pacing and looking at him, he sighed shakily, as he spoke.

 "Dean, I love you and want to spend the rest of our lives together, but...I can't be with you anymore knowing that because of me you could die!" Roman said sadly, as his tears fell silently.

 "Roman, I love you baby boy and I'd rather die a 1000 times and be with you, than live the rest of my life wanting to die because I'm without you!" Dean said, as he got up, went to Roman and took him in his arms holding him tight. "I'm not losing you Roman, I don't give a damn what happens to me!"

 "What are we going to do?" Roman asked quietly, holding tightly to Dean.

 "We do nothing, I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing!"

 "What if they find out?"

 "They won't and if they do...I'll figure something out okay? No more worrying, let me do the worrying for the both of us okay?"

 "I love you Dean." Roman whispered, as he buried his face in Dean's neck.

 "I love you too." Dean replied, as he kissed Roman's head.

**A Month Later**:

 A month after telling Roman the truth; almost the whole truth, Dean had purposely left out the part about the Human Exchange, things remained the same. Until one night as Dean was getting ready to go meet up with Roman, someone knocked on his door. Sighing annoyed, he went to the door and opened it, Keeper and four other vamps stood there, in no mood for their stupid games he spoke angrily.

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