Training Day

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 A half hour later the kids were upstairs sleeping, Grant and Paige were finishing the last of the prophecy, while Dean, Roman, Seth and Zander were in the living room talking. Since returning to himself Dean's kept his distance from the others, he didn't have his bloodlust anymore, but that didn't make him trust himself. He could feel the power flowing through him; it felt like electricity and he didn't know how to control it or if he'd freak out and attack his loved ones again. He had almost hurt his entire family, thankfully Zander had been there to stop him, if he hadn't been he could have...he didn't want to think about what could have happened. He stood by the window, looking out of it, his back to them, as they talked, any time someone would come near him though he'd move away not wanting to risk it.

 "Dean baby, are you alright?" Roman asked gently.

 "Yep!" Dean answered, with no emotion in his voice, as he kept his back to them.

 "Dean, it's okay to feel confused and unsure of yourself and new powers." Zander said.

 "Thanks for your permission!" Dean replied bitterly.

 "Look Dean, we understand what you're..."

 "No!" Dean yelled angrily, cutting Seth off, as he turned to face them. "None of you know what it's like to go through this dammit! None of you have this...this thing inside of you that you don't understand or know how to control, something that could make you hurt the ones you love! And none of you know a damn thing about what it's like to have all the pressure on you; the Chosen One, to save the entire damn world from monsters! So, don't tell me you understand what I'm going through!" He said upset, before he stormed out.

 " we go after him?" Seth asked quietly.

 "No, let's give him his space. He needs to be alone right now and figure things out." Zander answered sighing.

 After leaving the house, Dean wandered around the yard, he just needed time alone to think and space to breathe. He didn't know why he snapped at them, he knew they didn't deserve it, this whole situation was as new and confusing to them, as it was to him. It was the pressure that had finally gotten to him and made him lose it, he knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help it. He had needed to let out some of the pressure that had been building in him for months now, but he did feel guilty about how he had attacked them.

 He stopped walking near a tree and sighing he ran his hands over his face, before he sat on the ground, leaning against the tree. He starred out across the yard and into the trees that lay beyond the farmhouse grounds, he had never asked for this, never asked to be turned into a damn Vampire or be the Chosen One dammit! His whole life...his whole destiny was already chosen for him and he had no say in any of it, no control! He felt like his whole world was spinning out of control and he didn't know how to stop it.

 "Dean?" Roman's voice spoke gently from beside him.

 "Yeah?" Dean replied, as he looked at him.

 "I have great news, they finally finished the prophecy, baby!"

 "Oh." Dean said, as he looked back at the trees again.

 "You wanna talk about it babe?" Roman asked, as he sat beside him.

 "No and you shouldn't be close to me Ro, it's not safe; I could hurt you!" Dean said, as he went to move, but Roman grabbed his arm stopping him.

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