Moving And Keeping Things From Them

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 Dean sighed, as he sat alone on the church roof, the girls were asleep and everyone else was packing things into the cars, making sure they had everything they'd need. He felt bad that he's been avoiding them since he told them about Vassago, but he was just so angry and needed to be alone, so he didn't say or do anything he didn't mean out of anger to any of them. He sighed again and ran a hand over his face in frustration, he was so damn tired of running, but to beat Vassago he needed to be 100 percent in health and in complete control of his powers, he was neither right now, which meant he needed time to heal and train. The problem was though, every damn time he thinks they've found the perfect place to hide out, that son-of-a-bitch Vassago somehow finds them! When it first started he began to wonder if maybe Zander was telling Vassago where they were, he thought Zander had betrayed them and was working with the bastard, but after listening to his thoughts he realized he was wrong to have doubted his brother; of course, no one, especially his brother, knew about his doubts.  

 "Brother?" Zander's voice spoke gently from behind him.

 "Yeah?" Dean replied, without looking at him.

 "Father O'Conner believes he knows where we can go."

 "What?" Dean asked confused, as he stood quickly and turned to face him. "Where?"

 "That, I don't know, but he's waiting in his office with the others, so he can tell us."

 "Alright, let's go."

 They went back inside the church and found everyone in Father O'Conner's office, they all stood around a table talking.

 "Good, you're both here." Father O'Conner said smiling, as he noticed them, causing the others to stop talking and look at them smiling.

 "Zander said you know where we can go?" Dean questioned, as they joined them at the table.

 "I do, yes. You see while you all packed, I was in here gathering up my things, as I did I thought of places we might use and I began to pray about it. After a few minutes, I remembered that a couple of years ago, I had discovered an old monastery a few hours from here." 

 "You just discovered it? Just like that?" Dean questioned in disbelief, as he crossed his arms.

 "No, you see, before I came here to this church, I was at another one and I was restless; I knew God wanted me to be somewhere that I could make a difference. So, I began looking up different churches in the record books and as I did I found out about an old monastery, it hasn't been used or even thought about for centuries. It also wasn't known about by anyone I questioned and it's only on one map, which is also centuries old."

 "How do you even know it exists or that it's still standing?" Dean asked, sighing frustratedly. 

 "It does and it is!" Father O'Conner answered smiling.

 "How do you know for sure and I swear if you say because God told you, I'm going to..."

 "No, no, nothing like that!" Father O'Conner said smiling, as he cut Dean off. "I know because I've been there."

 "You have?" Seth asked.

 "Yes, by using this." Father O'Conner replied, as he went to his desk, opened a drawer, took something out of it and returned to the table. "This is the map to its location." He added, as he opened it carefully and laid it in the middle of the table so they all could see it, before he pointed at a spot on it and smiling spoke. "It's right here, a five-hour drive North of our location."

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