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Madison's POV:

Later that day we were pretty deep in the forest by now, it was still light outside, but we had been walking for a while now. It was Roy in front, followed by Sam, Ben, Haley, me, and last Dean. I insisted that Dean go in front of me so he could talk to his "girlfriend". He didn't like that very much and said "At least I can get women, I don't see Ben going for you, Red." I made a angry face when he called me his new nickname "Red", it was still down there with "Kid". He saw this and knew he wouldn't stop calling me it. He started to slow down and started to walk by my side. "Listen, we got off on the wrong foot and I didn't mean to yell or say you were wrong about being our sister and all, its just that my mom died when I was only four and I saw it happen, it was only my dad, Sammy, and I, we always stuck together." He stopped for a moment, I thought he was done talking, "I didn't kn-" I was shortly cut off by him saying "I wasn't done. What I was trying to say was I'm sorry and if you are who you say you are, being our whole sister, not a half-sister, then I guess you could stay with a friend, because what we do is not something for your age." He finished. "Thank you Dean, I didn't take your feelings into consideration when I was spewing everything out at once, I'm sorry I made you feel that way. And when we find out I am your whole sister, I'm gonna stay with you and Dad. Not a friend, I've stayed with friends for too long now, I deserve a real family. And what do you do? Sam said you guys have a "weird" life, but not really specifying it."

Dean was about to reply when Roy piped up "This is it. Blackwater Ridge." Sam walks past Roy and stops and asks "What coordinates are we at?"Roy pulls a GPS out, "Thirty-five and minus one-eleven." Roy replies. Dean starts to walk and I have to jog up to him to listen to what they had to say. He stops by Sam, "You hear that?"Dean asks. "Yeah. Not even crickets. Sam says suspiciously. "I'm gonna go take a look around." Roy says, "You shouldn't go off by yourself." Sam quickly states. "That's sweet. Don't worry about me." Roy says as he waves his gun and pushes between Dean and Sam, which dean stumbled into me which I was not expecting so I tripped. Dean helped me up, "Jerk." Dean said under his breath so no one but Sam and I could hear. I chuckled softly, "All right, everybody stays together. Lets go." Dean said to the rest of them.


Sam, Dean, Ben, and Haley were looking around near a huge rock while I got on top of the rock and sat there. "Hey, I thought you wanted to help, not sit and do nothing." Ben asks, "I'm not top of the rock and there for I can see more from here than you can down there walking around, so technically I am helping more than you think." I said, and it was true you could cover more ground from up here by looking around. I could hear Sam and Dean laugh "ha she's got you there bud." Dean said. "Hey Dean, she's got your attitude." Sam said. "Alright everyone, lets get back to the objective" I said with a half chuckle. It was a while before we heard Roy scream, "Haley! over here!" Haley runs towards Roy's voice, followed closely by the others. They all came to a halt. "Oh my God." Haley said her hand covering her mouth. The tents were torn open and bloody, and all the supplies were scattered. Sam tried to block me from seeing but I simply pushed past him showing no emotion. Sam and Dean watch me closely seeing I showed no change in my facial expression. "Looks like a grizzly." Roy states. Dean and Haley look around franticly, more Haley than Dean. "Tommy!?" Haley shouts. Sam moves to catch up with Haley. "Shh." He says "Tommy!" Haley shouts again, why couldn't she get the hint that something may be around still. "Shh-hh-hh!" Sam shh's her more harshly. "Why?" Haley asks confused, "Something might still be out there." I say so he doesn't have to, Sam gave me a weak "thank you" smile before Dean calls us over, "Sam! Madison!" Sam and I go over to where Dean was and crouch down next to him. "There bodies were dragged from the campsites. But here, the tracks just vanish. That's weird." I say noticing how the ground was flattened down from the body. Sam and Dean nod there heads in agreement. "Ill tell you what, that's no skinwalker or black dog." Dean says to Sam.

"Uh a skin-what?" I ask completely lost. "Madi remember when I said our lives are weird, well what I meant is we hunt monsters for a living, we think this could be a monster." Sam says "Sam what are you doing?" Dean asks Sam, "She deserves to know if we are looking for Dad together." Sam says to Dean, "You hunt... monsters?" I ask in disbelief. Sam hesitates, "Yes." He simply says, I turn to Dean and say, "That's what you do? Hunt monsters? that's so freaking cool! Why wouldn't I stay with you guys!" I say, "Your not getting rid of me now! Hahaha." I say to Dean. "You just believe it? Like that?" Dean says snapping his fingers on the word "that". "Yeah. Wait, do you count ghosts as monsters?" I ask, "Yeah, why?" Sam says slowly. "Because when I was like ten there was a ghost in my foster home, and this dude said he would help us get rid of it he said his name was Bert Aframian, said he was a "hunter", I guess that's what you guys are called too. I always thought that be a cool job and NOW I can finally become one." Sam and Dean looked at each other. "What?" I asked, "Bert Aframian is one of the names Dad uses." Dean said, "Madison, you've met Dad before." Sam said shocked. And me? I was paralyzed. I had met my actually dad before, and I never knew.

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