Meeting New People

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Madison's POV:

As I fell at the feet of the five people I noticed that two of the people were tall men that were about 6'3 and 6'1.The one that was taller had longer brown hair with hazel eyes and the other with short brownish hair with forest green eyes. The others was a girl and two other men.

"Who the hell are you,and what are you doing here?" the emerald eyed one said. I was like a deer in headlights."Um.....Hi my name is Madison Winchester,and may I get yours?" I said also wondering there names. The two tall men kinda looked taken and confused,but that quickly vanished of their faces."My name is Samuel Cole,I'm a ranger. This is my partner,Hailey,Ben, and Roy. Hailey had medium length,brown hair and was pretty. Ben wasn't much and Roy looked rough.

I quickly got to my feet and felt small because he was so much taller than me."Let me see some ID." I demanded. He showed me an ID and I knew it was fake,but the others thought it was real."Thanks,and I'm out here because it was such a nice day to come out here."I lied."What are you doing out here?" I asked."We're looking for my brother Tommy, he went missing." Hailey said."Yeah we are looking for her brother now you should leave the woods,its not safe."the "Ranger" said."Well if you guys are looking for someone,I wanna help. And I'm not leaving the woods I'm gonna be with you guys." I said harshly.

"Yes you are going to leave,even if I have to walk back with you,like I said it's not safe." The hazel eyed man said."I'm not moving from this spot,so you're going to have to carry me out of here. Plus I need help out of here too,so why not help someone else." I said matter of factly. There was no changing my mind because I am a very stubborn person."Just let the kid help,she clearly isn't going to leave"Hailey said."Fine,but stay close to me kid" said the Ranger."Okay first I'm not a kid I'm 17,and I will stay close I promise."I said.

We started to walk and said quietly to the Ranger,"I know the ID is fake I've seen a fake ID before,so you can drop the act around me." He looked shocked again and just stayed silent and looked forward."So what's you and your "partners" real names?" I asked. He stayed silent for a while."I'm Dean and my little brother,Sam."He said."So Dean I don't get a last name because I gave you mine and I think it's fair?"I said annoyed. I could tell he was a little apprehensive but he finally said "Winchester,our last names are Winchester."He said so quiet only I could hear it. I didn't say anything for a while."I'm not really out here to be out here,I'm looking for my dad,John Winchester. I can't look for my mom they said she died after I was born."I said casually. He stopped me and the other three were ahead which meant Sam had to stop behind us."What did you say?John Winchester?He's your father?"He said kind of franticly. Sam obviously heard this and stopped."Yeah why?And my mom's name was Mary. Why are you acting weird about it.

"That's our dads name and our moms,but that's impossible,we don't have a sister and one that is 17.Our mom died when Sam was born in 1983."Dean said. I looked horrified and had happiness in me at the same time. I was horrified because I had a DNA test and proved I was their child,but I was happy because I have brothers and family,Finally."I had a DNA test and it proved everything,my mom was real and alive. Our mom." I said."NO she is not your mother he is not your dad and we are not your brothers."Dean said. Sam had a very sympathetic look on his face before Dean stomped off. I was on the verge of tears while Sam just put an arm around my shoulders and said,"I believe you only because we have a really weird life. He just doesn't like the thought of Mom being alive and if she was not contacting us."I looked up at him and just said,"The others will be wondering where we are."I started to run a little until I turned around and said "Thanks Sam."

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