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     Everything was fine. Just fine. Kyle was fine. And so was I. But around 10:30 that night I knew something was up. Kyle wasn't acting the same anymore. He acted like he had not any feelings for me. I kept asking what did I do but he would just say it's not me. I'm used to those words. "It's not me" that gives me the pretty bright eye that it means it is me. I knew I was starting to lose him.
      The next morning I got that text from Kyle saying we can't talk anymore. Can't talk anymore!?! I'm falling in love with you and you told me you were in love with me but now we can't talk? He told me how his parents read through his phone and saw everything. All the messages that we sent to each other talking about all he dirty things we did. They knew it all now. They told him we can't be together anymore. I was broken. I didn't know if I was sad or mad. I just knew that I felt a pain. A pain that I was getting used to. Kyle, made the pain go away. But it's back now. And I feel like it's going to stay for a long time. He made me feel like February 29th never happened. Right when Kyle sent that last texting saying he loves me and goodbye. I automatically knew that February 29th have came back.

Love again, Pain again Where stories live. Discover now