Chapter 4

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Well I tried to amend our past friendship. It was a total fail but I'm gonna ignore it. My granny always said that "If you stop entertaing a clown they will stop performing." Off to 1st period.

My first period mostly had jocks. It was math and also a lot of Latinos. It was Geometry. Geometry wasn't hard for me. It was just that the class is terrible. Everyone always wants to see my homework.

I don't let them, so they don't particularly like me as much from freshman year. Freshman year I was trying to make friends but they used me. We had just moved back at the time. I found better ones, plus I had Alex the whole time. Sisters since the womb.

I was getting tired of her, Ms.Chaun, explaining the same thing over and over. 😑 She repeated it 6 times so I layed my head down. Clearly annoyed.

Everyone groaned. She spoke up from the projector. Asking if we had a problem with her teaching.

"Of course we have a problem ,we ain't dumb mane. Once is enough, 32 times ain't even necessary. ", Jonathan spoke. She glared at him and he shut up.

" Any more interruptions and everyone will stay after. ", she said harsh and smiled.

The bell rung and she closed the door. Making us sit back down. We groaned. Everyone had a frown on their face because we knew what she was about to say.

" The bell doesn't dismiss you, I dismiss you. ", she said laughing evilly. We all groaned sitting down.. Then she said, "Go, get out."

Everyone ran for the door for their next class. My next class was art. We were doing portraits of our baby pictures with oil pastels today. Briara was my partner. She didn't talk much today.

We were giving each other ideas of what colors to use. This is the only time we get along. She looked kind of sad. Her nose was red. Why am I so considerate when she doesn't care about me?

"Have you been crying? ", I ask waiting for a smart remark but all she said was a quiet yes. I was very suprised. " Wanna talk about it. I know you hate me, but I don't care. "

" Miachel broke up with me, he said that I act like a snoody white girl. He said that I will crumble later in life for bullying others. And he lastly said that he was done, he wasted his time. ", she was crying hysterically. It was very hard to understand but I did. It was so broke up.

" I'm sorry", I looked at her sincerely with sympathy.

"No, I'm sorry. I bullied you for no reason. I was upset because you didn't wanna hang out with me. I was jealous. You and Alex have a wonderful relationship. I wish my friends were close like you. I've always been jealous of you. ", she admits and I look at her with utter most confusion.

Why was she jealous of me? She has the same things I have, material wise, and she has great parents as well. In fact they have way more money than us. They are practically rolling around in money. They could use money as tissue.

I guess she read my mind because she continued, "You have loving friends and a loving family. My parents are divorced. My dad is with an Polynesian Woman. Two little boys and she's pregnant with a girl. My step siblings. I love them but hate them. Your parents have never ending love. You're so nice....",she trails off. She gave me information I did not know. I haven't seen them since we were little.

She finally calmed down as I just looked dumbfounded. I was at a lost for words. Not knowing what to say, I continued drawing. It was very quiet. I was suprised no one had been looking at her.

So after a long awkward silence she asked could we be friends. I agreed. Maybe God was changing her. I still would keep my guard up tho. This could all be a trick.

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