Chapter 7

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Alex finally came up to me looking as tired as me. "Hey girl, what's wrong with you?" , I questioned then it hit me, "wait, never mind, Deonte came over crying too?"

"Oh my gosh yes", she said then pouted afterwards.

We then both got our books and were on our ways to our first periods. Seemed like my walk dragged on forever. The same bullies ,meaning Briara's friends, blocked my path.

"Let me guess Briara is feeling better and now she wants to bully me again?", I dared to ask. They just stared back so I said ,"Well if you're just going to stand there and not answer I am on my way to class". I then walked off.

"Well, if it isn't miss run off. Never wanting to face her fears,the cry baby. " ,Briara said walking after me. I just ignored her and walked in class.

I am not going to deal with this at all today. I'll deal with her later.  I am sick and tired of always getting bullied. I wish i could grow balls everyday, I think in my head of how I'm going to say everything then I just chicken out.

Today is going to be different. I guess thinking got the best of me because the  next thing I know the person who sits in front of me is throwing the papers on the desk. I gave her the stink face, but I let her slide and took my paper and passed the others back.

I got an 95 on my test this morning, which I was grateful for , since I'm not feeling it. The rest was just a free period. So I texted Keonte.

Hey big head, wyd? -Kierra

Nun im just chilling ready for lunch ,I'm hungry😞. -Keonte

Too bad😂 -Kierra

The bell soon rang and we waited to be "dismissed ". I mentally rolled my eyes then walked to my next class. The first person I see is Briara and one of her minions.  Again,  I roll my eyes but this time not mentally and guess what?  She saw.

"DOES LITTLE KIEIRRA WANNA GET BUCK?", she screamed.  She made a fool of herself.  I just looked at her . "OH THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT."

I decided I was gonna take the seat in the back today since we weren't doing partner work. Today we were describing how we felt but through art.  Mine was dark but not too dark.  I'm not a depressing nor depressed person.  So I changed from black to purple. My drawing consisted of a girl wrapped around in purple surroundings finally finding white surroundings which symbolizes a new beginning. 

I think it turned out very well and my teacher thought so too. I was very pleased.  Briara's did not come out so well and she became very frustrated. She then asked for my help.

Did yall read what I just said? My help! Why in the world would I help her. She must be out of her rabbit mind. I looked at her directly and said no. She was very stunned and just sat there thinking, maybe?

I did not have one care in the world. Then i decided I was going home. Forget this i cant today.  I made it till 10am. I decided I was going to pick up Mario as well and we would go have some seafood.  I know it's really early to be eating seafood but we love it at anytime. We ordered the seafood dump pot. The meal consisted of: shrimp, snow and king crab legs, corn on the cob, and sausage.

Mario had an blast then we went for ice cream. "Keirra?  Can I stay in your room today.  I don't want to be bothered with anyone today. ", he said.

I laughed in return,  I guess he was taught  "bothered" today  because I never heard him say that and it was very funny.  I told him yes he could.

  At noon everyone texted me and I told them I was home. For the remainder of the day and night we kicked back in my room watching movies and eating junk. He soon drifted off to sleep with his paw patrol blanket and pillow.  He looked so adorable.  Sleep invited me next and I accepted. 

A few minutes later I was awoken by him kicking.  Oh yea, that's the reason why nobody likes sleeping with his lil butt. I just turned over and went back to sleep drawing out the movements every now and again. Hopefully I would not be tired in the morning.

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