Happy Birthday Elena

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"Is this wise sir?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, will your sons ever known what your secret is?"

"Them knowing that I have daughter without telling them is none of their business..."

"But, sir-"

"Don't sir me! I know what I'm doing and my daughter shall not know that she's a succubus!"

"Sir, It already has been 18 years now, that spell is going to wear off of her eventually and she will get her memories back, what if she met up with Raestro and the others?"

"Stop it with the what ifs! ...Once the spell wears off, I will find my daughter and she will be the next heir into becoming queen of the demon world."

"....Vandella...I will find you..."

It was a warm morning as she shot out of bed breathing heavily wondering what was going on. She looked around scared and why did she have that weird dream, she looked down at her wrist and notice that there was no missing mark there compare to the one in her dream. The door opened revealing her older brother peeking his head through her room and raised a brow at her, "You're already out of bed sis? Would you hurry up and get ready mom and dad are waiting for you downstairs." He closed the door behind and left Elena slowly got out of her bed and walked up to the mirror to see if she was ok.

Elena gave out a yawn as she stretched her arms out at the same time trying to feel more awake than before. She stared herself at the mirror for a couple of moment checking to see if she has feel anything different. "That was a weird dream." She muttered to herself as she began to get ready for school.

Once Elena finished getting ready she began walking downstairs as both of her parents including her brother Ryan were eating breakfasts already. "There she is!" Elena's dad smiled as he notice his daughter casually walking down the stairs.

"Dear would you stop embarrassing her," Elena's mom sighed as she notice how red Elena's face was, "can't you see she's just trying to have a normal breakfast for once."

"I know, I know." Her dad muttered, "I'm just happy since I bet she's excited for a special day coming up."

Elena stared dumbfounded at the parents as she didn't realize what day it was, "I'm sorry what?" Elena blinked.

Her parents looks toward Elena shocked to see that she didn't know what they were talking about. "Your 18 birthday of course!" Elena's mom mentioned making Elena remember right away, "Are you feeling ok? It looks like you have a rough morning today."

"I-I'm fine!" Elena stuttered, "I should be heading off to school, see you later!" She quickly got up from her seat and rushed out the door leaving her family behind.

The rest were just sitting at the table lost and confused on what was going on, "I think she has officially gone crazy." Ethan said as he didn't know what else to say.

"Your sister sure is something." Elena's dad said as he continue on eating his food.

Elena rushed out of the house and spotted her 2 best friends Kate and Serena. Both of them happily waved as soon as they spotted Elena left the house, "Hey birthday girl!" Serena greeted right away as she wanted to be the first before Kate to say happy birthday.

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