Overprotective Brothers

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The next day came and as Elena went off to school she decided to not mention about what have happened yesterday. She manage to finish her breakfast and called for Kate and Serena and asked to give her a ride to school instead of Sam dropping her off. "Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off?" Sam asked Elena was she was about to leave.

"It's fine, since you guys have work I can handle myself as long as I'm with the girls. I should be ok, its like those stupid pig imps are not coming after me." Elena sighed as she swung her backpack on her shoulder and decided to head off.

"Princess, I don't think it might be...a good idea. I can insist on dropping you off if you need to." Erik insisted since he didn't trust Sam with the driving anymore.

"No no no," Elena denied, "I'll be fine. Would you guys calm down? I mean its only one incident that have happened today."

"Sis, I don't think you understand." James sighed as he gave Elena a worried look, "We're just worried about you like the older brothers we are suppose to be."

"I know that you guys are trying to help, but I think I should be ok." Elena insisted, "Can't you guys just trust me with my friends for once?"

"No..." The brothers groaned in unison which made Elena blinked in surprised.

Elena stood there as the boys exchange looks at each other after what just happened, "Alrighty then..." Elena said as she awkwardly walked away leaving the brothers behind. As soon as Elena shut the door she head over to where Kate and Serena were.

"Hey you!" Kate happily waved.

"So this is where you live now." Serena said as she was amazed to see what was in front of her, "I didn't know you would live in such a rich family girl."

"Well, my brother is the CEO of the Anderson Toys Company." Elena mentioned as she hopped into the car.

"No way!" Kate blinked, "You must be joking right?"

"Um...no..." Elena sat there with a serious look, "I'm actually being serious."

"Well would you look at you? You're like the missing sibling of a rich family. Who could have known?" Serena teased Elena as she playfully punched her on the arm.

"I guess..." Elena shrugged as she didn't care about the whole money thing, what she mostly cared about was that who would have known that her biological half-brothers the whole time would actually be sex demons.

As the car drove off, the 5 incubi brothers were watching it drive away. "Welp, there she goes." Sam sighed.

"I still don't trust this." Matthew said as he made an unsure look.

"You're not the only one." Erik rolled his eyes, "James we have got to do something about this."

"She told us to trust her and we're going to trust her." James shrugged it off as he didn't want to do any funny business and get in trouble by Elena.

"B-B-But," Matthew stuttered as he disagree with this kind of idea, "what if those stupid pigs come after her again and we don't have the chance to save her in time?!"

"I don't think its a good idea to be spying on Elena." James mumbled as he knows there's going to be consequences after seeing the result of Elena might be getting mad at them.

"Come on James!" Matthew begged, "Can't you just take one day off from work just to see how your little sister is doing?"

"I...um..." James sighed as he wanted to but, at the same time he knew that if he make this type of decision, he's going to regret it.

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