Chapter 4 (EDITED)

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 As the image focuses, we can see two tiny shapes.

"Looks like you're having twins." The doctor says excitedly with a giant grin.

We all just stare in shock. I can only shake my my head as the tears come.

"What's wrong?  You're supposed to be happy sweetheart."  She asks in concern obviously confused by my reaction. 

"I didn't want any of this.  It shouldn't be happening to me. "

Mom shoots her a apologetic look as I all but run from the room, pausing only to wipe the gel off my stomach.  Matt half carries me to the car.  I can't even think.  I just cry.  Seems that's all I do.  He tries to comfort me to no avail.  Joel just sits in the front seat silently, I can clearly see his saw clenched without even looking.  They all usher me in the house and sit in silence as I cry inconsolably.  I was just getting used to the idea of one, now suddenly there are two.  I don't think I can handle much more.  Eventually I fall asleep, exhausted from so many tears.  When I wake up, it's Joel's voice I hear.  He sounds upset, like he's on the verge of tears himself. 

"Shhhh you'll wake her up."

I fall back asleep, not wanting hear more.

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