Escape From Antoria Part 20

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Part 20. Don't know when I'll upload the next part cos I'm really busy this week so hope you enjoy!!

Chapter 19

Blake just smiled and nodded his head. "Yes she is the third person in the trinity." He then mussed up her hair giving a chuckle when she growled in protest. "I have to say there is no denying that she is your sister." He continued when she gave him a scowl that rivals my own. I couldn't help but laugh at this.

"What the hell is the trinity?"Holly asked, trying to act nonchalant but you could see the curiosity in her eyes. I chuckled but then grew serious when she narrowed her eyes at me. Jeez, someone's grumpy.

"Blake care to explain?" I said whilst patting the bed next to me for Holly to sit on. Blake nodded so Holly sat next to me and rested her head on my shoulder as she gazed at the baby I still cradled in my arms. Nate came over and sat on my other side wrapping his beautifully tattooed arms around my body.

"Okay, where to start? ...Holly you have seen the Television show Escape from Antoria right?" Blake asked.

"Ooh yeah I used to watch it every day before I went in hospital. All the people with magic are on the run cos the king is evil but we all know he's really just scared of them. I think he has magic himself which was never proven in the TV series but he did things that just weren't logical. My guess is someone told him a sorcerer would defeat him or it could merely be the fear of being removed from the throne by someone more powerful." She replied with a shrug. My mouth just gaped. I knew Holly was observant but damn I didn't catch half of that.

Blake however had a pleased look on his face like she was a good student or something. Oh well. "Yes right you are. As I have explained before the King is a very powerful sorcerer...he was warned, by a prophet, that he would be defeated by three sorcerers of the old magic, these people would bare the marks of the trinity. Most sorcerers bare some kind of mark to show their magical heritage but the marks of the Ancient ones are very distinct." Blake removed his arm from his top and showed her his shoulder. "You have one too on your arm that will match Arianna and Nathaniel's marks."

Holly turned to look at me and I tilted my shoulder down. "Take a look if you like. I may have more markings now but I'm sure that I still have the original ones."

"Why do you have facial markings?" Holly asked cocking her eyebrow.

"I looked at Nate who was smiling, well we got ones on our face when we kissed and then the rest we got when we got to speak. Which was about 3 days ago" I said to her.

"Yeah and what about the baby? I know I wasn't unconscious for nine months, was I?" She asked slightly confused but panicked at the same time. I suppose I'd be the same if I didn't know how long I'd been out.

"Umm, Izzy is what I'd call a miracle grow baby. I was pregnant for 3 days so don't worry you didn't miss much and I've been in Antoria for about, actually I don't know." I said confused. I looked up at Blake.

"It's been3 weeks since I took you from your home but you've been here in Antoria about 2 weeks." Blake responded. Not too bad seems like I've been here forever if I'm honest.

Holly however looked like she'd been smoking something as her eyes widened and she said. "Whoa, you go 18 years without a boyfriend and you're here for two weeks and you get married and pop out a kid. Jeez, Ari you work fast." I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Umm kiddo, when you think of me and the baby...think virgin Mary" I said with a smile.

"What the hell is that meant to mean? You telling me you did do the down and dirty with your hot stuff husband?" I swear I could feel my cheeks on fire and I could hear Blake and Ryan's distinctive laughs at my discomfort.

"Holly!!!" I scolded blushing furiously. Holly response was a smirk and then she put on the oh so innocent look that I haven't seen in a while.

"What sis? I was under the impression that was something married people do and come on if you saw me with a baby what would you think?" She asked cocking her eyebrow at me. I know what I'd do, beat the bugger black and blue who got her pregnant.

"Sorry little H but seriously did you have to say it like that? Couldn't you think of something more polite than down and dirty? Jeez and mum thinks I have the dirty mind?!"I said before nudging her gently which earned me a smile.

"Sorry to break up the family bonding but I warned you that the next time I would see you would be in battle which is true. The King's men have been following your group for days and now that you have settled..." Blake closed his eyes and his brows furrowed in concentration. "The Darkness is ready to rise, the King plans to attack tomorrow at nightfall; he has weapons that are not from this land. Some from the world that Ari and Holly are from and..." Blake gasped. "It's Blasphemous!! He also seeks help from the dark powers but as a last resort. If he detects that he will lose, he shall open the gateway to the daemonic realm. However, he has an army of over a thousand so he is confidant. I cannot predict the outcome of this great's too circumstantial...anything could tip the balance..." Blake shuddered and fell to his knees breathing deeply. I quickly handed Izzy to Nate and moved over to Blake. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Blake?" I saw him instantly relax under my palm and then he lifted his head and opened his eyes.

"Arianna, you cannot allow him to open the gateway to the daemonic realm, the consequences will be unthinkable." Blake shuddered again. I'm guessing he saw the unthinkable consequences.

"I'll do my best." Even if I have to die for the cause, i thought to myself.

"You will not sacrifice yourself Arianna." Nate whispered in my ear. Oh crap forgot about the mind reading thing.

Sam who I had completely forgotten was still in the room cleared his throat. I snapped my head up to see his face ashen. "I will inform the others. We have much work to do if we are to be ready." And with that he grabbed Ingrid's hand and pulled her away from the group.

© Katherine Pocock 2010

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