Escape From Antoria part 22

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Chapter 21

I felt both Nate and Holly reach for my hands at the same time. Damn it's annoying having people who know exactly what you're feeling and thinking but it can't be helped.

"Come on its time." Nate said before tugging me and Holly towards the front entrance of the castle. If possible the castle felt more eerie and evil as the darkness deepened until you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. I felt myself being tugged towards the main entrance which looked like the gateway to hell. I shuddered at the through and then pushed it out of my mind when I saw the look on Holly's face. I thought of the prophesy and my family and how we would survive this no matter what.

Inspired by these thought I picked up my feet so that I was now walking alongside him instead of being dragged by him. "You seriously lived?" I asked as I once again surveyed the creepy castle.

"Yup." He replied and then began talking in hushed tones. "Right keep to the shadows we want to remain unseen for as long as possible. With that we walked through the huge doorway that looked like a giant gaping hole that was just waiting to swallow us whole. I blindly followed after Nate who didn't go far before he stopped next to a suit of armour. Using his magic he moved it out of the way and pressed a certain brick. I watched in amazement when about 5 paces away a doorway opened up. "Follow me and stay silent." Nate then disappeared behind the stone door and into the passage behind it. Holly and I were next followed by the rest of our group.

Once we were all inside the passages, Nate shut the door and your cool hear the slight crumble as the stone that had been pushed in moved back into its original place. He then took the lead placing my hand on his shoulder. "Tell the others to do the same." He whispered so I passed the message onto Holly who passed it onto the person behind her and so on. Nate started walking along the passageways as if from memory taking a turn every now and again. I was glad that Isadora was staying silent. I could sense that she was awake but it was if she could sense that her safety depended on silence.

We eventually stopped and Nate kissed my hand before removing it from his shoulder. He then brushed his fingers along the wall as if looking for something. After about 30 seconds there was a faint click and then the low rumble of stone moving over stone as a doorway appeared causing all of us to squint at the sudden light. We cautiously stepped into the throne room which looked deserted besides the gleaming at the front of the room. We watched as the other sorcerers emerged from another doorway on the other side of the throne room but strangely enough there was no sign of the King. I looked down at the floor and within the intricate mosaic pattern of the floor I could make out words. Oh shit the gateway to the demon realm is in the throne room, joy!!!

I heard a sharp intake of breath from above. "You're alive!!!" I saw a beautiful little girl about 8 years old looking down at Nate.

"Reli?" He asked cautiously.

"Natty it is you." She squealed with delight. "Wait there I'm coming down." Not even 30 seconds later she pushed through the crowds and leapt into his arms pressing her body tightly to his. If I wasn't so tense I would have thought how sweet it was.

"Why have you drawn on your face Natty?" She said tilting her head to the side before looking at me. "Oh she's pretty and look you match." She said with a squeal before reaching out towards me.

"This is Ari, my soul mate." He said. "And Ari this is my little sisterAurelial."

I smiled at the little girl. "Sorry I can't hold you cos of Izzy." I gestured towards the baby sleeping in front of me. She pouted before becoming excited.

"Ooh lemme see!!" She squealed again. So Nate walked closer to me so that she could see the sleeping baby. "Why'd you draw on her too. " She asked full of innocence. I was about to respond when a chilling voice permeated the air.

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