The Ceremony

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"Hello Adashino Benio, I'm the person who will be in charge of deciding if you will go to the island. I will also be stealing away your "husband". I'm Ikaruga Sayo."

Stealing away my husband..?

"Sayo, stop it. This isn't the time for that. Plus, I don't think you would want Benio as your rival. Come on let's go. Enmadou, at what time are you guys free for the test?"

Both of them didn't hesitate to answer.

"Right now, we can do it right now!"

"Is that so... Sayo, what do you think?"

"No, not right now. You know I still want to check the stores here... Unless, Rokuro promises me to come back here with me... on a date..."

Everyone was taken aback by this statement, except Shimon. How could a young girl like her be so straightforward about something like that?

Benio couldn't help but butt-in.

"N-no, we're sorry... but we can't waste time! We have... someone we have to defeat... on the island..! We can't waste our time... on such... things! Please understand."

"Tch, if you only you knew... Fine, I'll start tomorrow, but with Rokuro first, since he seemed really excited to do the test. Well actually it's more like a ceremony."

"Shall we go then?"

"Yes, Shimon. I still wanna check this restaurant. Anyways, bye. Oh and Rokuro, I hope you will take me on a date one day, bye-bye~"

Shimon and Sayo then left the store leaving everyone shocked. But Rokuro immediatley smiled. Finally, finally they were going to go to the island.

Mayura was thinking the opposite. She didn't catch up to them, she wasn't able to..

"Guys, I'm going home now... Sorry I-I forgot I had an assignment to do... If you will excuse me- Oh, Benio you should totally buy the dress by the way. Well bye now!"

And like that Mayura also left.

"What is going on today?... And an assignment, did we have an assignment to do? Hmm.."

"We should.. head back now. Can you wait... for me.. until I finish changing...?"

"Huh? Ah, yeah sure. Wait, are you going to buy it?"

"I'm... not sure. The dress is pretty... and the price is affordable... but I just... don't see myself... wearing it... much."

"Hmm, well I think you should buy it. Sure you might not wear all the time, but since you're a girl, you should definetely have something nice in your closet."

"What is... that suppose to mean.. Rokuro!?"

"N-no it's nothing bad. Ju-just buy it, okay? I'm sure you won't regret it."

Benio then changed to her ordinary clothes and before heading out, she looked at the dress.

Yeah, it's pretty..


The day for the ceremony arrived. Rokuro was nervous and happy. He couldn't wait to get it done.

But he still wondered what he was supposed to do. Show his power? But if he did, why was Sayo needed? To fight him? She seemed to fragile to know how to fight. He asked Benio, but she had no idea either.

Seigen and Mayura had come along to watch the ceremony. Rokuro was going to ask Seigen about the ceremony, but was interrupted by Sayo and Shimon's arrival.


As soon as Sayo saw Rokuro, she leaped towards him. Thanks to his defending instincts, he managed to dodge her. She fell, her face hitting the floor.

"Ah sorry, Sayo-chan. I guess my instincts got the better of me. Are you alright?"

He offered his hand to her. She took his hand and stood up. She looked up at him and smiled.

"It's fine Rokuro, I understand. Now then, as an apology, you have to hug me. See, it's simple? Can you do that for me? Please?"

"Huh? I-I..."

"Sayo-san, stop wasting time with stupid things like that and get on to the ceremony. These two have better things to do than listening to your childish requests."

"S-Seigen... Ah, yes forgive me Rokuro and Benio. My love for Rokuro takes me out of place, hehe... well let me get prepared for the ceremony now. Please wait patiently, Rokuro."

"Yeah..., take your time."

Seriously, what is wrong with that girl?

"Please don't think bad of Sayo, Benio."

"Huh? Oh Shimon-san..."

"She, she has never been able to leave the island. She has always been stuck at home thanks to her abilities. You know Kuzunoha right? Sayo's guradian is her. She has the ability to judge your guardian, if it has evil, Kuzunoha's dispensers will dispense your guardian, giving death to the exorcist. That's how it is decided if one can go to the island. Thanks to that she can never leave her very own house. And when both of ya'll decided to come to the island, she saw Rokuro as her prince who was able to let her get out of her prison, her home. That's why, take Sayo easily. I know you like Rokuro, but Sayo won't do any harm, she'll just fight for him... but maybe not for long..."

"What do... you mean not for.. long?"

"Guys, Sayo-san said she was ready. She said to meet her in the training room."

Rokuro, smiled and looked at Benio.

"Benio, we're getting closer to our goal."

"Yes, yes.. we are."

And everyone made their way to the training area.


Hey guys! Sorry if today's story was crappy, it"s like morning here and I feel like I didn't do a good job. But anyways...


Seriously, thank you.

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