Chapter 16:

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"Mom! You're coming back in a month now!" I said excitedly. But now that I think about it. I'm leaving the Michael's house. I won't get to see Kyle. Well only at school.

"I know sweetie. And I have tons of gifts for you." My mother said to the phone. I just can't wait for them to come back.


As I was walking to third period, Abby came walking to me. Yes. Abby Roman. My kinda boyfriend's beautiful ex who probably isn't over him.

"Hey Valerie!" She said in an excitedly but fake tone. What's new? She's always fake. Dude I'm so savage you don't even know.

"I love your boyfriend. And if you guys become "official" I will make your life, a living hell. You gets?" Abby said walking away not giving me a chance to respond. But I can't let Kyle go when I just got him back. This hurts so much.

I knew something like this would happen again. Yes again. My ex best friend, Natalie, who is now in Heaven. Yes Heaven. Because after my ex boyfriend left to go to her, a few months after, he cheated on her and broke her heart. It broke my heart. It really did. My ex boyfriend left me for my best friend and ended up breaking her heart and she became my ex best friend. Forever missing you Natalie. (Guys this is just for the story and I hope I didn't offend anyone.)


"Kyle we can't date." I said.

"Good enough?" I ask Beth. She's helping me how to break the news to Kyle.

"Look I don't get why you can't just tell Kyle the truth." Beth says, until someone came to my room.

"Tell me what?" Kyle said.

"I'll leave you two love birds alone." Beth says and winks at us and mouths 'Sorry' while she goes out of my room.

"Val. What's up?" He said in a serious tone.

"We can't date." I told him.

"And why not?" He replied now crossing his arms.

"I'm moving." What a bad lie.

"Oh really? Where?" He asked not convinced.


"What part?"


"Val. You're bad at geography." Kyle says teasingly.

"Now tell me the truth." He continues.

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