Chapter 25| YES!

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~Cole's P.O.V.~

I sat Kayla down on my bed, immediately taking her in my arms. She cries as I try to calm her down, and soon Will joins in, leaning into her and stroking her hair. She soon calmed down, snuggling into me and falling asleep.

Will and I sat in an awkward silence for quite a while, until he chose to break it.

" Do you think it'll be fine?"

" What?"

" Will we be able to... keep ourselves safe from... from whoever's out there?"

I turned and looked him full in the face.

" If anyone touches any of you, I'm going to rip their throats out. I mean that literally."

He smiles widely. " You are the best big brother ever."

" And you're the best little brother ever."

He gives me an 'Are You Serious' look. " I am not little."

I smirk, " Yes you are."

" No, I'm not."

" Yes."

" No."

" Yes."

" No."

" Yes."

" No."

" No."

" YES!" He shouts, and then realization washes over his face. " Hey!"

I smile, but the moment is ruined when Will looks down at his watch.

" Oh wow. Its already quarter to ten. I need to go." And he gets up and leaves.

I sit in silence for a few minutes, until someone opens the door. I look up to see Sam, my roommate and best friend, walking in.

He smiles, then his eyes land on Kayla's sleeping figure. I realize she's still leaning into me, and I subconsciously wrap an arm around her waist, just in case Sam gets any ideas. I look up and see that his smile has turned into a smirk.

" Who's this? Does Cole finally like a girl?" He wiggles his eyebrows. Oh my god, what the hell.

" Sure, I'm totally in love and I will rip apart anyone who touches her, because she's so not my sister." I deadpan, giving him a look, and his smirk falters.

" I am so sorry. Oh my—Wait, did you just say sister?" I nod. " Since when do you have a sister?"

I look down at her and pull the loose strands of her ponytail away from her face. " It's a long story."

" I got time."

" Well I don't."

Just then Kayla starts to stir. She moves around and wakes up, facing me.

" Hi." She smiles.

" Hi."

I gently kiss her forehead and pull her into me. When we pull away, she faces Sam, and his jaw drops. Oh right, the eyes.

" You—You're that girl... Kayla, is it?" She nods. " Oh god. Two Unknown Supernaturals, one family." He gives an awed look, than smiles widely. "I'm in love with your eyes." He gazes into her yellow-gold eyes, and I glare. Sam, She's my sister, not your eye candy.

Before he can continue, Kayla speaks.

" I'm going to bed, ok?" And she gets up and opens the door. Before she left, I have one thought.

Today was a horrible day.

~Kayla's P.O.V.~

I walk out and all the emotions I've been holding in for those past few minutes burst out. A sob escaped my lips, and I buried my face in my hands. Warm tears ran down my face. Grief and anger filled me. How could someone do something so horrible?

I heard faint footsteps growing nearer, but I didn't care.

Let them see me cry.

I cried more, the emotion filling me inside. I was about to walk into the bathroom when the footsteps stopped, and I heard a gasp. I looked up, my vision blurred with tears, but the stunning dark magenta eyes staring at me couldn't be missed.

In seconds, Isaac was right in front of me, and his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me into a hug.

I buried my face into his shirt and cried even more.

" What happened?" He said quietly.

I tried to speak, but nothing came out.

And before any of us could say anymore, the main door right in front of us opened, and someone came in. Isaac didn't let go of me, but lifted his head to see who it was. I looked up to find myself staring at Zack, who had an unreadable expression on his face.

He tore his gaze away from mine, and his eyes landed on Isaac, who looked confused.

Zack opened his mouth, and when he spoke, he used all the venom he could muster.

" Who are you?"


Talk about a situation!

I wonder what'll happen!


I'll update soon!


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