Fallen down

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Long ago, two races ruled over earth: humans and monsters. One day, war broke out between the two races. After a long battle, the humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.

Mt. Ebott. Legends say that those who climb the mountain never return. I only wanted to see if it were true. I climbed the perilous mountain and took refuge in the only visible cave along this path. All along the floor of the cave were vines, leading to a hole in the mountain. I stood at the mouth of the hole. A pleasant breeze flowed up, taking with it the sweet smell of flowers. I recognised the scent. It was of the golden flowers of the nearby village. I had plucked one before I climbed the mountain. I felt its soft petals stroke my fingers as my hand reached into my pocket. I pulled it out and gave it one last smell. I rested it on the edge and plunged forwards. My stomach dropped as I descended into the land of monsters. It felt as if I was falling forever. I finally hit the ground, my fall cushioned by a bed of golden flowers. I rose up from the flowers and blinked. I followed the path in front of me and reached a gate with a symbol on the top. It looked like an angel with a triangle beneath. Needless to say, it was confusing. I walked through the gate and into a dark room with a single patch of green. In the centre of the green patch was a single golden flower. I approached it with caution. The flower turned and gazed up at me. Then, the unthinkable happened. It talked to me!

"Howdy! I'm Flowey. Flowey the flower. Hmm... You're new to the underground aren'tcha?" It said. I looked around. I was so confused. It even pointed it out. "Golly, you must be so confused." I was. It felt weird. And Flowey wasn't helping me. "Someone ought to tell you how things work around here!" It said. "I guess little old me will have to do. Ready? Here we go." Then, the world flickered, turning monochrome. A little white box appeared in front of me, a red heart inside. Four more boxes appeared below, with orange text inside. From left to right, they read: FIGHT, ACT, ITEM and MERCY. Flowey started talking again. "See that heart? That is your SOUL, the very culmination of your being!" It told me. I moved it around, testing to see if Flowey was right, and it was. "Your SOUL starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LV." They continued. I tilted my head questioningly. It gave a little smile and explained. "What's LV stand for? Why, LOVE, of course. You want some LOVE, don't you?" It asked. My eyes widened. "Don't worry I'll share some with you!" It winked at me. I felt a bit more at ease. I gave a small smile. "Down here, LOVE is shared through... Little white..."friendliness pellets." It said. As it did, little white projectiles appeared above its head. I became a little on edge but it soon passed. "Are you ready?" It said. "Move around! Get as many as you can!" The projectiles lowered around my SOUL. But, a little voice beside me said "don't do it. There's something not right." I moved to the side, only to have one of them hit me. I felt a sudden and excruciating pain surge through my body. The flowers expression turned from a friendly face to one of malice. "YOU IDIOT!" It yelled. "In this world, it kill or BE killed! Why would ANYONE pass up an opportunity like this!?" It surrounded my SOUL with pellets. I was terrified. I didn't know what to do. "DIE!" It screamed. It gave an evil, menacing laugh as the circle of pellets closed in. I felt tears stream down my face as I stood there frozen and in pain. Then, the ring of pellets disappeared. The pain stopped and I rose onto my feet. A ball of flame glowed into being and knocked Flowey out of sight. They gave a small 'ah'. A new figure appeared.

The figure was dressed in a long purple robe that bore the strange symbol I saw earlier imprinted on the front and gave a kind smile. "What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth." She said, her voice heavy with concern. The small voice beside me stirred. "Huh?" The voice from earlier said. "Ah, fear not my child. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins." She told me. I relaxed slightly, a nervous smile on my face. The little voice beside me called out to Toriel. I could hear their voice becoming more and more upset. "Toriel? Can you hear me? It's me, Charlotte! Please, look at me, I'm right here." They sobbed. I turned to where the voice was coming from and saw a girl, like myself, in a green jumper with a single yellow stripe and a pair of brown shorts. Her hair was light brown, her eyes were blue and she had rosy cheeks. I reached out my hand to them and felt their cold grasp in my hand. She turned her gaze to me and I squeezed her hand. She sniffled and nodded. "I pass through this place everyday to see if anyone has fallen down." Toriel continued. I turned back to face her. "You are the first human to come down here in a long time. Come! I will guide you through the catacombs." She finished. I turned to my friend and took her hand. We walked forwards together. "This way." Toriel called. I followed after, my friend trailing after me. We walk through a purple gate into a purple room with old stone steps. There were two staircases on both sides. Toriel stood in front of the doorway, waiting for us. We walk forwards. She turns to the right staircase and ascends. Her feet pad up the stone steps, her claws clicking on the cold surface. We walk forwards to a glowing light. "Touch it." Charlotte said to me. Steadily, I reached out my hand. Charlotte sighed and pushed my hand into the light. A box appeared in front of me. Charlotte said a very poetic line. "The shadow of the Ruins looms above, filling you with determination. HP fully restored." I pressed the save option, ready to continue our journey.

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