Introducing the skelebros

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We left the Ruins and came out on a patch of green grass. Flowey had popped up again. I felt my friend tense up. Katie gave a soft growl towards them. "Clever. Veeeerrryy clever. I bet you feel really great." It said. I cocked my head to the side. "You didn't kill anyone this time. But what will you do if you meet a relentless killer?" It asked. My eyes widened. My mind raced. What would I do? Flowey gave me the answer. "You'll die and you'll die and you'll die. Until you tire of trying." They said. I was speechless, as were my friends. "What will you do then? Will you kill out of frustration?" They asked. I grew angry at the very idea. "No! Never! I would never kill someone!" I yelled at it. "Or," it continued, "will you give up entirely on this world...and let me inherit the power to control it?" It again asked. Charlotte told me "no." I looked at her. "Don't give them control. You have no idea what they would do!" She said to me, authoritatively. I nodded at her, determined. "I am the princess of this world's future." It told me. Charlotte gasped. "Don't worry, my little monarchs, my plan isn't regicide. This is SO much more interesting." And with that, they disappeared. We stood a little dumbfounded. We continued on the path and through the gate into the rest of the mountain.

We were hit by a cold wind and the feeling of snow crunching underfoot. Katie's eyes lit up as she picked up snow in her bare hands and rolled it into a snow ball. She threw it and it hit me in the back. I turned slowly and flashed an evil smile. I scooped up some snow and rolled it. "Oh, it's on." I declared. We threw the snow balls in a wild flurry. She was very patient, waiting for the perfect opportunity to hit me. I was determined to land a single hit. We played for a bit but continued onwards, breathless and our hair and clothes damp and covered in snow. We walked past big branch on our path. It was too heavy to lift. We heard it snap and whipped round. We walk back to find it in pieces. I pick up a stick from the branch. We walk back to the end of the path, where a bridge lay. Over the bridge was a strange looking gate. We stopped in front of it. Our heads all faced each other and a simultaneous shrug swept over us. I inched forwards but stopped when I heard crunching behind us. It stopped directly behind us. "Human. Don't you know how to greet a new friend? Turn around and shake my hand." A voice said. We turned around to face the person who spoke to us. My small hand quaked as I gently grasped the extended limb. A whoopee cushion farted in the palm of our new friends hand. All I heard was a soft plonk in the snow as Katie laughed. Even Charlotte laughed. I gave a smile and giggled. "heh heh heh. the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. it's always funny." Our new friend said. He was a skeleton dressed in a blue jacket, white shirt, black shorts with a white stripe down the side and pink fluffy slippers. "you're humans, right? that's hilarious." He said with a chuckle. "i'm sans. sans the skeleton." He tells us. Charlotte smirks. "i'm actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now. but...y'know... i don't really care about capturing anyone." He states. All of us let out a sigh we didn't realise we were holding. "now my brother papyrus, he's a human hunting fanatic." The colour drained from our faces. "hey, actually, i think that's him over there. i have an idea. go through this hate thingy. my brother made the bars to wide to stop anyone." He said. We were too afraid to argue. We went through the gate and over the bridge. "quick, little one, behind the conveniently shaped lamp. uh, tall one, hide behind a tree." He says. We don't hesitate. I dash for the lamp and Katie jumps behind a tree. We hear two voices conversing, one being Sans' low tones and who we assume to be Papyrus. We wait until Sans says for us to come out. "you oughta get going. he might come back. and if he does..." Sans commented. My heart was beating a little bit faster than I would have liked. "you'll have to sit through more of my hilarious puns." He said with a wink. We were walking away when he called out to us. "actually, hey... hate to bother you, but could you do me a favour?" Sans asked. "i was thinking... my brother's been kind of down lately. he's never seen a human before. and seeing one of you would really make his day. heck, seeing the pair of you would make his entire week. don't worry, he's not dangerous." Sans said with a light chuckle. "even when he tries to be. thanks a million. i'll be up ahead." And with that, he turned and disappeared. We press onwards, coming to another golden glowing light. I take Katie's hand and we press it together. "The convenience of that lamp fills you with determination and patience." Charlotte told us. "Why did you add patience to the end? You don't normally." I question. "Because Katie's trait is Patience. Not all humans are made of determination." She explained. We walk onwards and find a box. I open it. It has a single tough looking glove in it. I take it, for the time being. We continue again, ever onwards through the cold, crunching snow.

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