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I was ready. I walked through the archway and into the throne room. There, I saw flowers all over the floor. All of them were from the surface. There was a huge figure stood in front of me, wearing a purple cloak. They seemed to be humming. "Dum Dee dum." They said. They're voice was very low. "Oh, is someone there?" They asked. "Just a moment. I have almost finished watering these flowers." They sounded so nice. "Hiya, King dad." Charlotte said to him. He didn't hear her. "Here we are." The figure turned around, revealing a male goat face. This must be Asgore. I thought to myself. "Howdy! How can I..." He began only to gasp and stumble backwards. "Oh." He said. The tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. "... I so badly want to say 'would you like a cup of tea?' know how it is." He said. I gave a small, awkward smile, to let him know that this situation was just as uncomfortable for me. He walked over to a window and gazed out. "Nice day today, huh? Birds are singing, flowers are blooming... Perfect weather for a game of catch." He said. I nodded in agreement. It was a very beautiful day. He sighed. "You know what we must do. When you are ready, come into the next room." And with that he walked through a dark doorway, into the next room. I stood in the room for a moment, taking all in. In the centre was a single throne. All around it, were the flowers. The smell of them was so strong. In the back of the room, sat another throne, covered by a white sheet. I enter the next room. Asgore waited there for me. It looked like the first room I was in when I fell down, just without the flowers. "How tense... Just think of it like...a visit to the dentist." Asgore said, trying to make me feel better. I followed after him as he walked. We stopped in front of a stone doorway. "Are you ready? If not, I understand. I am not ready either." He said. He walked through the doorway. I saw the last golden glow and saved. I checked my inventory, to see it full of healing items. All of the ones we bought or were given. I had two slices of butterscotch pie, instant noodles, starfaits, cinnamon bunnies, nice creams, bicicles, sea teas, crab apples and so much more. Thank you my friends. I thought to myself.

I entered into the next room. In front of us, was a pulsing light. It shimmered and shifted. "This is the barrier. This is what keeps us all trapped underground." Asgore explained. I wanted to touch it, for some unknown reason. "If...if by any chance you have any unfinished business...please do what you must." I looked at Asgore. I pressed continue. "...I see. This is it then." He said. He stood before me, the souls trapped in glass tubes. Katie, Lucy, Georgina, Lilah, Abigail, Amy. There was one empty. It was for me. "Ready?" He said. I nodded as the world went monochrome. "A strange light fills the room. Twilight is shining through the barrier. It seems your journey is finally over." Charlotte said. You are filled with DETERMINATION! "Human... It was nice to meet you. Goodbye." Asgore said. His head fell as he pulled out a red trident and broke my MERCY option. I gasped and our battle started.

"Asgore attacks!" Charlotte informed me. I pressed act and told him that I didn't want to fight him. His hands shook slightly. He didn't look me in the eye. I believe it was either out of guilt or shame. I dodged his attacks. I told him firmly to stop fighting. His hands trembled. His eyes flashed with blues and oranges. He swung his trident at me in those colours but I messed it up. Hurt, I pulled out the pie. I ate it and my HP recovered. Asgore smelled the pie and something flashed in his eyes. I dodged his attacks again. "You have to fight him." Charlotte whispered to me. I sighed. I knew that. I didn't want to though. I took a swing at him and hit him. His health dropped drastically. "Asgore has low HP." Charlotte said. I took a swing and it hit him. He fell to one knee. "Ah... So that is how it is." He said. "I remember the day after my daughter died. The entire underground was devoid of hope. The future had once again been taken from us by the humans." He said. I felt so bad. Now I understood how Undyne felt when she beat Asgore. You feel...bad for beating him. "In a fit of anger, I declared war. I said I would destroy any human that came here. I would use their souls to become godlike...and free us from this terrible prison. Then, I would destroy humanity... And let monsters rule the surface, in peace. Soon, the people's hopes returned." He told me. "My wife, however, became disgusted with my actions. She left this place, never to be seen again. Truthfully... I do not want power. I do not want to hurt anyone. I just wanted everyone to have hope. But... I cannot take this any longer. I just want to see my wife. I just want so see my child. Please... Young one... This war has gone on long enough. You have the power... Take my soul and leave this cursed place." He finished. The choice appeared in front of me. My MERCY option was cracked but readable. I pressed it. I dropped my weapon and hugged Asgore. "After everything I have done to hurt would rather stay down here and suffer... than live happily on the surface?" He said to me. "I would rather stay here where people love me and accept me, than in a place that no one likes me and people hurt me." I whisper. "Human. I promise you...for as long as you remain here, my wife and I will take care of you as best we can. We can sit in the living room, telling stories, eating butterscotch pie... We could be like... Like a family..." He said to me. I smiled. "I would love that daddy." I said to him. He smiled. Then, without warning, a circle of bullets surrounded him. They all fired into him apart from one. Asgore's health dropped to zero and he turned to dust. His soul persisted for a moment, only for the final bullet to hit it and cause it to shatter. "Nooooo!" I cried. Big, fat tears rolled down from my eyes. Flowey popped out in front of me. "You IDIOT!" They screamed at me. "You haven't learned a thing!" They said. "H-How could you? He was injured. He was defenceless!!" I screamed at him, my tears turning hot and burning down my face. They had broken the souls free and they circled them. "In this world... It's KILL or BE killed!" Flowey shrieked, laughing at my face. The souls swirled as they absorbed them. Then, everything went dark.

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