Facing Giants

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This is it. Giants has began there era. And I was standing there waiting to be stepped on. Him gone, me in E-class, and my parents temper. My tears kept soaking my cheeks. I went to the hospital I was in. As soon as I reached his room, I saw nurses cleaning up the room.  "Where's Charles? I'd like to see him."

"I'm sorry (Y/N). But he. ."

"I know I just wanna see him. For one last time. . ." I looked at the nurse with longing and teary eyes. Eyes that beg to see something different. Someone who was standing there. Receiving my bear hugs. Maka chopping my head when I wasn't paying attention. Hugging me when I'm sad. I wanted to see that.

The nurse escorted me to the morgue. I saw him lying there. My eyelids released my tears and my mouth made a gasp of intense sadness escape. I was shaking. The nurse hugged me, risking her uniform getting soaked.

"Just cry."

"I want to see him."

"Go on."

She left me so I have some alone time. I lift up the white sheet cover and saw his face. I instantly close my eyes, containing the sobs and cries that wants to get out. I looked once again. He was pale but still handsome. I let my fingers slide onto his face and brushed off his bangs. Tears began to fall from my cheek to his cheek. I wiped it off and began to lean. "Gumi, Charles. I didn't finish early. I couldn't show you the promise I manage to keep. I took the top. Why couldn't you wait? Why did you have to leave? You're unfair. You're selfish!!!!" I began to punch his chest like a judge would do but it wasn't hard. It was weak punch. Then I repeat the words unfair and selfish while hugging him.

>Time skip<
Few hours later
Nurses and interns and doctors rushed throu and fro, back and forth. Occassionally, I would get small comforts from them. I managed to smile but my eyes would betray me. A small tone chimed. It was charles voice. It was always my ringtone. He forced me to make it my tone so I would always think of him. A sudden cloudthought emerged from the scene, A mischievous charles was holding his chin while his other arm was supporting the elbow. I would pop that thought normally but instead I cherished it. I keep here charles, im my heart.

the text message reads

Dad: You come home right this instant Missy. We have things to talk to.

I shut the phone right after reading it. Then I stood and began to walk. Right when I was about to stand up, I bumped into somebody. "Sorry. I'm sorry." "It's alright." He reached his hand out to assist me and nodded and took the hand. When I lifted my head, I saw the person I had apologised to. He had a slightly brown hair with two atennas tweaking up his head. He was wearing the same uniform, for boys, as me. I guessed he was from my school. He was smiling but a little bit worried. He grabbed something from his pocket and handed me a his hankie.


"Keep it. I'm in a hurry. so see you around."

He rushed passed by her. But one thing caught him from moving further. He saw her eyes looking at him. It was an amazingly green hue that shimmered in the clinic light with tiny tears shining. It made him blush. But it was something he disregarded. He had something more important to attend to.

3rd p.o.v:

I reached room 205 on the second floor of the hospital. He slowly opened the door and saw the figure sitting while getting injected. "Please. Slowly. Please." Tears were swelling in Kataoka's eyes. He approach her Girlfriend and placed her arms around her waist and slanted his head in his. "Oka. It's okay. I'm here." He placed his hands on her hands and she gripped it as the needle impaled her soft skin.

"See. Nothing to worry about."

"I'm glad you're here Yuu."

She placed a peck on his cheeks which made him blush. He warmly smiled at her and talked about his day on E-class. He handed her some notes from which Koro-Sensei has made for her.

"Hey, did you know that Asano got pulled down at second top?"

"Really? Well, that's great. Who is it? Is it karma?"

"Uh no. It was not from our class. From A class. Vanilla? is her name?"

"VANILLA!!!  is top one!"

"You know her? " Asked the Ikemen, his atennas stand up as if to declare that he is curious.

"She's my cousin. And you know what, she's different from anyone in the main building.  She doesn't like to think of us as lowly. She thinks the system is a bit to harsh and should change for the better. She was the one who gave me these flowers." She pointed out the red roses inside a white vase in the middle of the table.

"She's a great girl coming from you."

"Seems like she got your interest" The girl huffed in jealous tone.

Isogai sweatdropped. "No, it's not like that. You're still the grandest girl in my life, except for my mother of course. Any other girl means nothing to me." He said with a nervous voice. She kissed his lips and muttered "Kidding."  The ikemen blushed a little bit and smiled at her before kissing her forehead.

When Kataoka was sleeping, Yuuma went out to buy coffee. She then saw the girl with the green eyes.  She was hugging someone. He said familiar. He then widened his eyes. KARMA? why is he hugging a girl? is she his girlfriend? A slighly pain was seeping through his heart. 'Why am I feeling?  Snap out of it Yuuma' He then turned towards the canteen and trailed off but he turned again and saw the girls eyes looking at him while he was looking at her before they both looked away.

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