My New life

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(Y/N) p.o.v

Few weeks has passed. Few weeks since I started classes with A-class. They weren't the welcoming type but Asano was there for me, unexpectedly.

Few weeks passed since that night. That night when he said that he'll fight for me. That he'll choose us. The happiest days of my life returned with that single moment. Yet, even when he kissed me, I stood by what I said. Please don't make it hard for me Isogai-kun as it already is. Go to your Meg. Go to your Oka. She needs you more than me. I don't need you at all.

I look at the mirror at the girl's school bathroom. My hair was tied into a clean pony tail. My sleeves were dragged up to my elbow to make space for the rubber gloves I was wearing. It was still wet and full of bubbles. Then after a short break, I take a deep breath, cover my mouth with hygenic cover, and went back to cleaning bathroom toilets.

Yes. This is my punishment. For a month, I'll face the whimsical world of Comfort rooms. Of course, I didn't have to but for people to believe I really did something wrong I have to face this false consequences. I have to scrub all toilets from all bathroom for the entire week. Thank god it's the girl's bathrooms I'm scrubbing.

"All done!" I felt like a champion. Like a champion would do all this. *Sigh* I grab everything and put them in the janitor's troller. I push it outside when a few girls were waiting outside.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the top one cheater, the deliquent, and the bitch." One of them insulted. I didn't bother. They know nothing and I wouldn't stoop to their level. I push ahead, ignoring their blasphemies. "Hey, Bitch. You ain't running away from us."

"Who says I'm running. I'm just doing my responsibilities. Find someone dumb like you to insult," I retorted. I can be a bitch if want to.

"What did you say?"

"I said, you need to go to an ear doctor or do I have to sign it for you."

She was now irritated and probably angry. And it just so happen that a detergent was near her. So, she grabbed it and splashed it to me.

"Clean up you dirty bi------" She was cut off when a hand grab her wrist. The other hand made its way to the bucket of dirty water and splashed it on to the girl who splashed me.

"What the?---- Asano-kun?" The girl was shocked at who did it.

"Look who's dirty now." He had an evil curl in his face.

"But why would you defend her? Do you like her?"

"Yes. I like her. In fact she's my girlfriend. So back off!" He shouted. It made me jitter. Not because he shouted but because he was defending me and he said I WAS HIS GIRLFRIEND. Wait, what?!!!!


"Don't ever call me with that honorifics. We're not even friends."

The girl was all lost in what was happening. She then shifted her gaze to. "You will pay for this."

"No, you will not lift a finger. If you hurt one hair from her head, you will be the one paying and you don't like that, do you?"

The girl and the others around her were afraid at the boy's demonizing glare. The girl huffed and puffed then scurried away crying. "Good riddance." Asano said. He looked at me and smiled.

"Um. Thank you for defending me."

"It was nothing. Sorry for shocking with all my statements."

"No worries." I smiled ackwardly. I then narrowed my eyes.

"Don't worry. I'm not here to use you or any of my manipulating games." He clarified.

"No it's not that. You're not usually nice." I say suspiciously, with my hands on my waist. He had a pink tint on his face when I said that. His eyes widened and looked away.

"It's nothing. So. . . " He stood there in silence.

To break the silence, I coughed and said, "Hey, I'm done with my community service for the day. How about I treat you with ice cream."


"But on one condition."

"What is it?"

"You will not insist of paying and we will walk there ourselves."

"That's two conditions you know."

"It's a summarized condition in one sentence." He then laughed which made me laugh. I didn't ever thought that I'd be friends with this control freak.

"Let me grab my bag and then we'll go. Meet you at the gate in 5 minutes." I said and he nodded. When I was disappearing, he stood there with a blush in his face. He had a smile, not an evil one, but a warm and genuine one. 'I really miss you (Y/N)!' He thought to himself.


Asano was waiting outside the gate, slanting on his lemo. My uniform still soaked with detergent but I let it be, hoping the cold air would dry it off. I saw Asano looking at me with a slightly irritated look. "Why are you wearing that?"

"I didn't have a change of clothes so I'll let this dry off."

"No, you'll get a cold. Here." He tossed me a shirt. When I looked at it, it was his gym shirt. "Thank you, but one thing."


"Where do I change?"

"Inside the car."


He convinced me that what I was thinking was wrong. "I won't peek. I'm not what you think."

"Really? All boys seem to be what I think." I joke. He had a glare that says 'Really?'

"Okay. Okay." He opened the door while I get in. I check one last time to see if my speculations are true. He didn't look. He really must be a gentlemen. Then I changed into his shirt. It smelled good. Like strawberries.

"Hey." I say to him. I don't know what he's thinking but it got him to blush.


"Nothing. It's just that you look so cute."

What?! I think I'm blushing as well. But I giggle it away. When I turned around to start walking, I saw my E-class classmates walking towards the gate. I can see that they're having a happy conversation. I saw smiles and laughter. I quickly grabbed Asano's hand and walked away. My smile was plastered in to my face. It was a melancholic smile. I'm evil for thinking that they were devastated but they were happy. And I can't get to share that happiness anymore.

Asano saw how tensed I am and quickly haulted our pace. He pulled me into hugged.
"I'm sorry (Y/N)." His chin rests on my hair. I grab the clothing in his back, tightening my grip. We stood there for a while when eyes saw us. My former classmates saw us hugging. And two set of eyes burned through me. Isogai's and Karma's.

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