Riding together

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Isogai p.o.v

"Iso! Iso! let's ride the rollercoaster. It's the newest attraction!" Oka said with an excited tone.

"Hai. Hai!" I replied. I still can get over of what I did. My mind trailed off. Oka noticed. She didn't ask, which was good. She grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the rollercoaster ride.

"Welcome Ma'am. Sir! Welcome to the ride to gehenna! Where your dreams end and your nightmare starts!! mwahahahaha*cough2x* right this way."An employee muttered. Sounded like a scripted line but we just smiled at him back. Poor guy. We bought our tickets and went inside. My eyes widened with what I saw. "No!! Bakarma!!! We are not riding the front cart!!!"

"Awe! Come'on Van. Just this once!" Karma begged her. "I'll even kneel down if you want!" I just noticed that Kayano and Nagisa was there too but they have already mmjboarded. "Aweee!!! I totally go for it (Y/N)-chan. Or he'll propose to you!" Kayano cheered.

"No! Don't do that!"

"Your call. I'll do it in 10, 9 ........"

Oka then intercepted. "They two make a great couple, don't you think Iso?" My free hand clinched into a fist. I just nodded. " But I really wanted to ride the first cart! Wait, I have an idea!" She grabbed me and we move forward to where Karma and (Y/N) is.

"Hey Couz!!! Hey Karma! Nagisa! Kayano!"

"Right back at you Meg!" She pointed at Oka with one-eyed blink. She turned towards me. "Hi!"

It sounded fake. No. it sounded hurt! Can't blame her. I just smile and waved back at both of them.

"Okay. We saw you too quarrelling over the front cart." Oka said. They both looked at each other sheepishly. "And here's a deal for you!! Since couz you don't want to ride on the front cart and I do, how about I ride with Karma and you ride with Iso?"

"What????" "What???" Me and (Y/N) said both in unison. We both looked at each other. She was the first one to look away.

"Is there a problem Iso?"

"Nothing!" We said in harmony. We look at each other, thinking the same thing. 'Stop copying me!' I mentally shouted.

"Yeah, is there Van?" Karma looked at (Y/N). "I'll ride with you instead. There's always a next time."

"No, its okay! You really want to ride the front and I don't wanna take that from you!"

"Then it's settled then! Come'on Karma!" They went ahead.

I gazed at (Y/N). She was looking away. "Um. Girls first." I said. She headed forward without any response. I just sighed. I should really apologise if I have a chance. Please give me that chance. She sat first and scooted to the left side and placed one of her hand on her cheeks. Sorry (Y/N)! I truly am! Get that to word Isogai. Be a man.  But it was just stuck in my throat. I still had no guts to say it to her. Me and my pride. I face palmed.  I sat down and took a little glance at her. She was looking away. I just sighed and looked forward. Could this get any worse?

Several employees came to be thorough in our security. "All set!" I can feel that (Y/N) has hardened. Her grib on the handle has become tighter. I try to reach for it but something stopped me. No, I stopped myself. The promise stopped me, the promise to stop myself from looking at another girl. The ride started to move up. Higher and higher I can feel her become more tense. And as we were nearing the downside of the ride, I suddenly felt a hand grab my arm.

"Don't let go please!" She said looking straight ahead.

I calm down and smile. She tightened her grip around me. She's afraid. And again my reflexes started to start on its own. I reach for her arm, making her let go. She was shocked and had a pained expression. She must've thought that I was becoming uncomfortable. As she tried to release her hand from my grip, I pulled it down to the hand connecting my arm where she first held on. I held her hands, interwinning it on my fingers. It was cold. But it was soft. "Hold on tight. Never let go of my hand!" I assure her. Here we are again. The moments where we meet with different agendas but we both still have our silent communication. And just for this moment, I want to touch you. To feel you. To like you. I'm liking you even more (Y/N). Just this time.

She looked at me for a moment then looked straight ahead. "Here goes!!!!!"

(Y/N) p.o.v

The ride was really hellish. I was practically screaming the entire ride. So embarassing!!!!!!! Funny how this can really scare me. I sigh. As we were approaching the end, I calmed down a bit. My breathing was heavy from all that screaming. Panting was my appearance when we entered into the station.

"Are you okay?" Yuma said.

"Yeah. Sorry." We both looked at each other, no one daring to break it. We still haven't let go of our arms. He was holding it firmly while I was gripping it strongly. I didn't want to let go. His grip indicated he doesn't want to either. We always have this moments. I don't know what to call it. I don't want to think of it. But as of now, all I care is that we have this moment to share.

He then leaned forward, inching closer to me. What are you doing Yuma? I tried to move back but he pulled me forward, preventing me from moving further. I began to shake, my heart beating fast. The whole world began to blur while Yuma was the only thing clear. You are so close Yuma. What are you planning? I close my eyes, not wanting to see what's going to happen. "You got you're hair stuck on your mouth!" He said while trying to pull of my hair from my mouth. My eyes shot open. Oh. What was I thinking? I suddenly pulled it out myself. That's so embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mentally facepalmed.

"Iso!!! Couz!!" Our hands automatically pulled out from holding each other. I hear Oka shouting with glee. I see she enjoyed the ride. Karma was grinning at something. He reached for his pocket and took a photo of me. A laugh bursted out from him.
"Hahahahahahaha. This is priceless!" " Hey, BAKARMA!!! Don't take a photo of me!!"

"And why not? you do it all the time. Now, I got souvenier and blackmail stuff!"

"Ah-ha-ha-ha. Very funny. You're paying for the next ride. Come'on guys!!!!" I signaled Kayano and Nagisa which were pretty much dizzy. My evil side emerged from me. "Ne! Karma. I think we can agree with this this time!" I point out to the green and bluehead. Kayano was clinging to Nagisa was Nagisa was out of his head. I look at Karma who has the same smirk as me and we took a picture of them.! Oh this is really priceless.

"Ano? Couz. Can we join also? The more the merrier, right?" I hear Meg say like a younger sister.

"Stop with your younger sister Act. Of course you can come!" I said with a smile and then an evil grin appeared on my face. "By the way, you're older than my 1 year!"

I see her becoming flustered. "Ahahahaha. Your expression is just amazing!"

I see her laugh it out and went toward me. She was grabbing Yuma's arm. Right! They are a couple. I see Yuma smiling at me but I look away. Sorry Yuma-kun. I did that for two reasons. One, I'm embarrassed on what I did and two, you haven't apologised yet.
"Let's go!"

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