The Elites (part 3)

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Chapter 3

There were about 20 people in that room that had guns. Good thing I was in the front. So when I opened the door they all turned around and pointed their guns at me. Mr. Devan probably had them do this every time just in case someone (like us) figured out his password. I was the only one who was all the way through the door. So I made a small movement with my hand to signal everyone to move backwards. And as they did I closed the door behind me.

I mean we could take a bullet or two and be unfazed but when your up against 20 people with, what do they have Uzis? Yup. Even we wouldn't be able to last long.

"Do not move" one of the guys said, I'm guessing he's the leader.

I smirked, "Yeah right!"

And I slipped into my shadow. They tried shooting at me, but I don't know if you've tried it but shooting a shadow does not in fact harm it in anyway.

I could've stayed in the shadow realm for as long as I wanted but it does get a little boring/tiring. Plus I had something to do. So I moved to the closest guys shadow and merged into it so you wouldn't be able to tell where I was.

They stopped shooting. "Where did she go?"

I popped up from behind them and smiled," Over here!" And I delivered a painful jab in the stomach to the guy in front of me as he whirled around to face me, and I followed through with a roundhouse kick hitting the guy on the right side of me. My kick was so powerful he was thrown back hitting the person behind him. What do you know! Their like dominos!

Then I sidestepped to the left and ducked a punch and delivered an upper cut, the guys head snapped up with a sickening crack. Woops I think I hit him too hard. But I didn't dwell on the fact for long as I jumped and spun around delivering a kick to the person that was behind me.

And since this was some what of a close quarter fight the people with guns were smart enough not to shoot, by any chance of hitting each other. So that was to my advantage. Plus the rest of my gang started to come in now after hearing me knock some guys out.

There were now 16 people left. Which we took out in seconds. With all 5 of us chopping and kicking them they didn't stand a chance. And with that done I quickly looked over the room again. Nothing unusual, so I immediately started to organize our group.

"Laura you watch the door incase anyone comes in with guns, Tara and Riley you stay here and watch over them" I indicated with a jerk of my head to where the pile of unconscious guards were.

I turned to Hailey, "Come with me I'll need your help with the bomb."

I walked into the separate camber with Hailey by my side; we needed to transport the bomb back to HQ, so the feds could do whatever to it. I looked to see if there was any button that would conveniently transport the bomb for us. Sadly there was none. That meant that Hailey and I had to go inside and move it ourselves. Without getting us blown up in the process. Isn't that dandy.

I sighed and took a deep breath and opened the door that lead to the bomb.

"Hailey I need you to freeze the outside of the bomb, make sure there's at least an inch of ice protecting the bomb."

I stepped back and let Hailey do her thing. In a matter of seconds ice materialized and covered the bomb, creating a protective shell around it.

"Ok now remember; whatever you do don't drop it." I said

"Well no duh" Hailey replied with an eye roll. But I could see that she was as nervous as I was. I walked over to the door and opened it for Hailey. We made our way to the main room where everyone else was.

"Brigitte what's the fastest way to get out of here?"

"Well you're going to have to go back through the way you came from. There's no other way out. But once you get back into the room which lead to here you can get out by any way. Once you reach out side you know where to go. So see you soon, cause I expecting you to be here in 10 min.!"

Then she disconnected our line, probably packing her precious gear for the helicopter. Our ride home.

I turned around and made sure that Hailey was going to be shielded by Laura at all times. Then I reached for the door that would lead us back to the Trapped hallway. I opened the door with caution, in case we had some company on the other side.

There was no one. Hmmmm that's strange.

I made sure the room was still de-activated. Then I motioned everyone forward. As we reached the other side of the room I just realized that I had no clue of how to open it. That was so smart of me to not notice if the door had a handle or inside button to open it. Cause we had pressed a button to get in why not press one to get out?

But since there were no signs of a button I had Riley bust the door open with her super awesome skills with fire, and walked through the new hole in the wall. On this side of the wall we were greeted by Mr. Devan himself.

"So" Mr. Devan said "You think a couple of brats who think that their so special can come here and steal My bomb! Well think again, look around your surrounded you cant do any thing. So I suggest you had the bomb over and nobody gets hurt."

"Mr. Devan, I think you of all should know that who is at the disadvantage here." I replied. "You have guns but we have a bomb. I could have my fellow friend here set it off right now and your little plan to destroy London shall be ruined." I don't even know why he wants to do that.

Anger is very visible in his eyes. And you can see some foaming going on in his mouth.

"No you wouldn't dare do that! What good would it do you!" he exclaimed, spit flying everywhere. I know it's not pretty.

"Well one you won't have a bomb anymore" I said while ticking it off on my fingers. "Two you'll be dead, and three London won't be destroyed. I think those are very good reasons" I said. "How about you?" I asked my gang. Some yeahs are grumbled.

"You are INSANE!" He spat out. "So you'd rather kill me in order to protect London! While killing yourself in the process! " He screamed.

"Yeah I know, but I don't really mind." I said shrugging my shoulders.

He was seething with anger now.

"So what do ya say about letting me and my friends leave" I asked him.

He seemed to be taking big breaths to calm himself down. "Fine I'll let you leave" Here comes the but part.

"But one of you has to stay with me." He said smugly. Thinking that we wouldn't abandon one of our team mates.

"Fine" I agreed tersely "I'll stay." So I want to see the rest of my group get out of here safely."

"Fine" he growls in reply.

And he led my group outside. As I watched from a window, until they disappeared into the safety of the woods, leaving me behind.


Ok so theres chapter 3, i thnk that i wrote tis chap kinda badly so tell me if i should edite it or something anyways thx for reading it.

Expescailly you Emm <3


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