The Elites (part 8)

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Chapter 8

As we made our way toward the building that was the airports main building I was glad that our suits would help cool us down, unlike Sam's clothing.

When we entered the building we were greeted by some black people.

I'm not trying to sound racist or anything but I got to describe the people don't I?

They lead us to another room without saying a word and as we entered they closed the door shut behind us.

Thankfully this room had A.C. in it so that was a good sign. There's a conference table in the middle of the room, behind it is a screen with a projector on the ceiling. There's also another door besides the one we came in from. And just then 3 people come in.

2 of them are white and the other is African. They haven't said anything yet but motion with their hands for us to sit. As we take our seats they introduce themselves to us.

Joseph Charleston, a tall burly man with a full beard, he's the person that's over seeing everything. Like the transportation was his doing, and he picked Sam to be the one to accompany us here.

Evan Gerard was the one who was going to equip us with some tools and gadgets, and provide us information about the people and vital information about the land in case we got lost, pretty much safety stuff.

And last of all the African man introduced himself as Jamar, no last name. He was going to help us get into the hideout, and be of some protection for us if anything bad was going to happen. And if the worst came we already had a plan made for that.

With the introductions done Evan opened a big suit case that he had brought in when he had first entered the room.

"Since we don't have much time I'm going to show you what each tool does. I'm sorry that I can't demonstrate it to you but, hopefully the explanation will be good enough." With that he pulled out a small cylinder made out of steel.

Holding it out in front of him he opened the top lid.

"This is a new piece of technology that we have recently developed. And you my friends are going to be the first ones to actually use them during an operation."

"That's great and all but what does it do?" I say.

"I was just getting to that." He says.

Using one hand to hold the cylinder he reaches in with his other hand and pulls something out.

The only thing that I could think of to describe the object was that it looked exactly like lip gloss. I mean it had the label and everything.

"Now it looks like any ordinary lip gloss, but in fact it's actually a gel that will burn through any material it has contact with in 5 seconds. This I can happily demonstrate for you."

With that he slid the rest of the lip glosses out of the canister and squeezed out a thin line of the lip gloss onto the side of the canister. And almost immediately the gel started to take affect. By the time it was done there was a jagged hole that stretched across the canister from top to bottom which covered ¼ of its whole shape.

"Now the thing is even though the gel works on almost everything depending on the material it might take a longer time. Such as wood, it would only take a few drops for the gel to eat away most of the wood depending on the thickness." He passes out the lip gloss to each one of us. They even have their own separate flavor labels too! I wonder if they'll actually work as lip gloss too.

As if reading my mind Hailey asks Evan the exact same question tat was floating inside my head.

"Yes I forgot in my excitement that the gel wont do any harm to skin but will eat away clothing. So be careful with that. And they have flavor to them too!"

Next Evan pulled out a pair of sunglasses.

"Now we all know that it can get kinda hot here, and that means sunlight. So it's perfectly normal for you to be wearing sunglasses. And the cool ting about these sunglasses is that they can be used as X-ray machines."

My eyebrows went up a bit. I mean you here these things a lot in lame books or corny spy movies but in reality?

"Now they won't work very well behind thick walls but through doors and panels they will work fine. It's great for finding hidden objects or secret doors. And that's it folks sorry about the lack of equipment but considering you already have powers you probably don't even really need these." Evan states.

"With that done we can now have you guys board the plane, that is not before you have a change of clothes." Joseph says eyeing our attire.

"What! But I thought that we were supposed to dress in our fighting clothes in case something happens?"

"Yes" Joseph says, "But if you go to their hideout all battle ready what you're going to get is a battle. But if you go there dressed casually we most likely have more of a chance of succeeding in the mission"

I sighed. Well it did make sense but I didn't really want to shed my cool suit especially since it's so hot here. But then again we wanted to make a treaty thing right? No all out war over some super powers thing. Ok well people always fight for power but you know what I mean.

"Fine" I say, "But is it possible to wear the clothing over our suits? That way if the worse does happen were prepared for it."

He seamed to contemplate at this idea for a few seconds then nodded his head. With that we were ushered out of the room and into another corridor into yet another room. This room had many drawers and cabinets. Like the HQs own disguise room. A few seconds later two women entered and helped us pick out some clothing that didn't scream dangerous about it. And they put some makeup on our faces to make us appear a bit older. And they were damn good about it too. Now we all looked around in our late 20s or even early 30s.

10 minutes later we were on a plane heading to the Sahara Dessert.

Not exactly what I had imagined for fun, but it'll have to do.


Sorry its so short but i wanted to post SOMETHING up and i hadnt been able to use my laptop much during the past week but anyways hope you like it and please vote and comment XD


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